Chapter 29: Allshop: A W.E.R. resident's guide

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The retail industry had changed massively since the end of the Giga Wars. All those boring old shops that cluttered up streets had been almost completely erased from the landscape of the W.E.R. In their place was the masterpiece of retail technology known as Allshop.

Allshop was the biggest E-commerce platform ever created. If one lived in the W.E.R., having an Allshop account was almost as tantamount to survival as fully supporting white nationalism. It sold everything possible to own in the W.E.R. providing it met the government's standards for products.

From food and water, all the way through to computer technology, the system had become so ingrained in the W.E.R. that very few people (especially in the younger generation) knew about buying things differently.

Allshop was also a popular form of employment for the lower classes of the W.E.R. At least 78% of the working class and non-whites in the W.E.R. were employed in it's warehouses. Even better, since leftist politics had been banned across the state, none of those stupid unions that had previously held back productivity with their concern for things such as workers rights, which only got in the way of helping the economy existed.

It was also a popular platform for prisoners to do community service. According to the W.E.R. government this sort of work "instills discipline in the disobediant member of the state and teaches him to accept the way of the world"

Of course, it was a fairly gruelling job to the point where most warehouses had dominitories on site for the workers to live in for months at a time. Most working days for the company began at 6:30 am with a break for lunch at 12:00 and then resuming work until 8:30 pm. To keep the workers in line and remind them of their place in the machine, harsh punishments were imposed upon workers who commited workplace violations such as low levels of productivity or questioning their superiors. They might be forced to attend a disciniplinary meeting, miss out on food and drink rations or if the violations were extremely serious, spend several hours in solitary confinement.

This may seem brutal, but considering that Allshop was so important to the W.E.R. economy, any lack of profit could prove disastrous to the state, so sacrifices had to be made. And at the end of the day, Allshop was continuing to be a hugely profitible enterprise, made much better by the tax breaks given towards the billion dollar companies as a reward for their continued assistance in fighting the dreaded P.R.E. The best part though was that it meant residents of the W.E.R. had less reason to go outside and could spend more time with the amazing technology that made up so much of the W.E.R.'s lifestyle

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