Overnight On Haunted Ghost Ship Pt3

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We all sit back down around the table with the ovilus and the K2 in front of us
"Why are you saying please?" the words feel and glass come through
"Feel glass? oh wait. Puncture shown feel glass" Corey says with a shocked face
"You know what weird, but I didn't want to say anything. I have a pain right here" I point to my shoulder blade "so maybe what it's saying is that I am feeling what they felt when they got hurt by glass?"
"Maybe yeah. You can keep talking to us" Corey says "what happened? can Thea feel the pain you felt?" the word hop and night time come through "what do you mean by hop?" I always find it fascinating how Corey is so scared of all of this stuff yet he always takes I guess the leadership role alongside Elton with asking the questions "can you give us a bang as loud as you can, a bang on the walls or stomp your feet" we wait to see if we can hear anything "did you guys hear that out there?" Corey points to outside the room
"No I didn't hear anything" I say shaking my head
"What did you hear?" Corbin asks
"Like one foot slowly stepping"
"Do you think we have been disrespecting you?" Brandon asks and I just have this random urge to say
"Yes" at the same time as everyone else hears 3 knocks "guys I didn't mean to say that"
"What do you mean?" Josh asks looking over at me from the other end of the table
"I dunno it was like I just knew that it was a yes but I couldn't control my self to just think it. I had to say it"
"That weird" Brandon says
"So you think we have been disrespecting you since we came here" Corey says almost like a question. We listen out for sounds when Elton states that the temperature has been dropping since we have been in this room "why are you on the USS Salem?" Corey asks and the K2 spikes to yellow. The ovilus picks up the word shepherd
"Can we get out the spirit box?" I ask
"Yeah hang on" Elton goes into his bag and pulls out the spirit box and turns it on. Corey points up above us with a shocked face, alluding to him hearing something. Elton quickly turns off the spirt box to see if we can hear anything, because the sound the box makes is very loud
"I heard that too" Corbin whispers
"Was that you making those steps up there? are you walking...."
"Shhhh" Corbin places a hand over Corey because as he was speaking the ovilus picked up on somthing
"It says was" the lady says and Corey's eyes widen
"Holy crap thats like a proper answer. You asked if that was him or her walking and it said was" I shake my head in disbelief. We all hear the footsteps again
"Maybe they're coming" Elton says
"Where are you going now?"
"They're here now" I say once again not being able to control what I'm saying
"Are you in this room with us?" Corey asks but nothing happens "where are you walking to?" still it says quiet

We decide to get out the spirit box and weird noises come through but no words
"I think the problem is it can't get radio signals in here" Josh says
"No one else thought it sounded like hissing?" I say
"Are you still with us?" Corey asks "what happened to you?" we all hear footsteps in the hallway. Elton holds up the spirt box and this time we hear music and a sentence
'get off me'
"What did you hear?" Elton asks me as I'm looking at him with wide eyes "I heard that and it's crazy because I never hear things clearly. Did I disturb anyone in here, by taunting you and putting on masks and being careless?" Elton asks after turning off the spirit box "or did you actually enjoy the fact I can in here" the word resent comes through the ovilus. Next the words that come through are take and hat. Elton is wearing a hat
"Maybe it wants you to take off your hat?" I say. Elton gives me a nervous smile and takes off the hat he is wearing while the others all laugh
"Yo ask it what it wants you to do with the hat" Corey says to Elton
"You can take the hat. Is that what you want? you want to take the hat? do you like the hat?" nothing comes through "then I will take hat" Elton picks his hat back up and just as he's abouts to put it back on the ovilus says the word deceit. I see a little ball of light enter Elton. Just as I'm about to say something Corey beats me to it
"Oh my god" he puts his hand on Corbin's shoulder "I just saw an orb fly into Elton's chest, like with my eyes"
"I think we saw the same thing"
"Like a small golfball size see through light"
"Thats exactly what I just saw"
"Thank god I'm not the only one who just saw that. What do you want Elton to do with his hat?" the next world that comes through makes all of our eyes widen in shock, poltergeist. Corey grabs on the Corbin as I grab on to Corey. Josh and Brandon are both nervously smiling
"I didn't sign up for this Elton" Josh says. Elton puts a timer on his phone and asks if whatever is here can drop the temperature to a certain temp, but this doesn't work.

"I don't know if your enjoying our company, but if you do we are happy to stay, but i think everyone here would appreciate having a more direct proof " Elton says. It stays quiet
"Do you have anything left to say?" Corbin asks, again it's still quiet
"Are you ready for us to leave? are you ready for us to get out of here?" Corey asks and once again I have the urge to answer him
"Yes" the ovilus also says the letter E and the word most
"It wants you Elton to leave the most out of everyone here"
"You want me to leave and see what happens?"
"Yeah" everyone says at the same time. Elton gets up and leaves the room on his own
"Did you leave with Elton?" Brandon asks and the ovilus says sure
"Did that basically say yeah?" I laugh a little
"What are you gonna do to Elton?" Corey asks but nothing comes through the ovilus "I think we should say goodbye"
"Yeah me too" Josh says as Corbin and Brandon nod their heads and I hum in response
"Well thank you for talking to us we're gonna leave now, could you say bye?" nothing happens "are there any last words" just as Corey finishes the sentence Corbin moves his hands across the table
"Temperature, it's saying temperature when thats the temperature Elton asked for earlier" Corbin points over to where the devices are. Once again we say bye and get up to leave, meeting up with Elton. One of the ladies squeal as well as Brandon
"There was a fucking shadow"
"Where show me" Corey says intrigued. We all walk down the hall where Brandon and the woman saw this shadow person but don't see anything.

We finish up this investigation and head outside. We say goodbye to the ladies who gave us this tour and stayed with us tonight and we get into the retail Elton hired
"Thank fuck, put the heating on my tits are frozen" I says shivering, Elton looks back at me as he sits in the drivers seat
"I really didn't need to know that" he frowns a little then laughs. He turns the heating on and i fi finally begin to warm up. Things are really starting to heat up now, who knows what it's going to be like by the end of this tour of haunted and abandoned buildings.

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now