Overnight In Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum Pt4

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Corey and I walk back to the other both with tears in our eyes
"You both ok?" Elton asks. I nod my head and try to smile
"It's like I don't want to leave her alone in that room" Corey sighs taking my hand in his. I nod my head agreeing with him
"I have never had an attachment like this before. I almost feel responsible for Lilly" I sigh
"Well why don't we have a change of pace and go to the 3rd floor violence ward where Jim Woods is" Elton says.

After talking about the murder and how awful the murder was we stop down the hallway and I immediatly smell cigarette smoke
"Can anyones else smell cigarettes?"
"No but there is one there" Elton points out. This ward gives me the creeps. I can feel the anger and hurt from the inmates which starts a headache to form
"I think we should start here in the hallway"
"I think so to" Corbin agrees with Elton
"Is anyone else out of breath?" my brother asks us all. Both Corbin and Brandon nod telling Elton that they do fee out of breath, however I tell him that I have a headache
"I have really bad back pain" Corey tells us
"This is weird. We are all having something happen"
"I'm kinda freaking out a bit"
"I can definitely feel a different energy up here compared to Lilly's room" Brandon nervously says after Corbin
"Yeah it definitely feels heavier up here, like the air is thicker" I cross my arms to try and keep warm "and colder" Corey walks passed me and into the room while the boys are discussing the tape that Elton had left on some of the rooms he wanted us to investigate
"What errr what what's" Brandon frowns. Giggling I watch Brandon close the door, or attempt to close it as Corey quickly stops him and walks out trying not to laugh, but looks nervous when Brandon explains you can only open the door from our side. I look down the hall as Corey returns next to me. I give him a nudge and nod with my head towards a shadowy figure
"What the..." he breathes out
"What?" Brandon says looking where we're looking, but the shadow seems to disappears
"Did you just see that shadow?" Corey asks
"Yeah but I'm hopping it was just my eyes"
"Nope. We're not alone up here"
"Thanks Thea. You just had to say that in a creepy way didn't you" Corbin says making me laugh a little
"Ok I'll give you guys the equipment and we will see what happen" Brandon is given a thermal camera
"What's that light at the end of the hallway floating?" Corey asks looking into the camera. I also have a look and see this light disappear
"What the fuck it's gone" I frown
"It wasn't like a flashlight but like a speck" Corey tries to explain to Elton
"After I found out Dave had passed away I kept seeing things like that light" I tell the group
"So basically you guys saw an orb right now"
"No an orb is a white ball, this was like a tiny shiny dot" Corey explains "now it's gone"
"Guys isn't that the murder room" I ask. Corey's eyes widen
"I'm freaking out"
"Well everyone. It's going to be sunrise soon so if we want to do a spirt box we have to do it now" Elton tells us. We all agree and get set up.

Elton walks into the room with headphone on so he can't hear our questions. Corey, Corbin, Brandon and I all sit on the floor with the ovilus
"We want to talk to whoever is here with us about the murders that took place on this floor. Who is up here with us?" Brandon asks
"Your caught" Elton shouts back
"How many spirts are up here with us?" Corey now asks
"Oh holy shit"
"We know this is a very violent place. Were you a violent person?"
"Wow I like that" I frown not liking what we're hearing
"Are we talking to Jim?" Corbin asks "are you there Jim?"
"Jim we know you ran this floor. That you were in charge of it"
"Who's up here with us?" Corey asks sounding annoyed that whatever is up here hasn't told us who they are
"I'm right here" this makes us all nervous. The ovilus says the word 'nod' which freaks us out more
"Where are you?" I ask and the ovilus says 'him' "so with Elton?" I ask the group
"I heard nothing but two people scream"
"What?" Corey whispers in shock "were you murdered here?"
"It's in him"
"What's in who?" I ask confused. The season ends quickly after that as Elton tells us he hasn't heard anything so we decide to switch rooms.

We put the chairs up in either side of the bed but there's only 4 chairs
"One of us will have to sit on the bed" Elton smiles while looking at me
"What? no your not serious. Elton!" I groan while his smile only widens "why me?"
"Because your my sister and I like irritating you. Also it may aid your psychic abilities"
"Fine" I huff and get on the bed crossing my legs in front of me "I hate you"
"No you don't"
"Ok get on with it"
"Maybe you should lie down"
"Hell to the no" I shake my head at Corbin "your lucky I've agreed to sit on the bed"
"Dean are you standing in the doorway?" Dean is the one who was killed in this room
"What we're the other names?" Corey asks Corbin who checks his phone
"Errr David and James"
"Remember Dean is none verbal and can only do physical things" Elton explains
"Dean can you touch something?" Corey asks but nothing happens. Elton puts the portal on which is basically another version of the spirt box
"I'm so cold" I say shivering. As we're listening I swear I hear the word blood
"Can you say your name?" Elton asks
"I heard Dean"
"But he's none verbal" I frown at Corbin
'I hear everything' comes through. I look at Corey worried
'Hello. Hi' that sounds like a girls voice. A male voice comes through again saying 'your friends hurt me'
"Is this a conversation that's happening between the spirits?" I asks feeling confused
'I hate you' 'run' my eyes water from fear "this feels like we're listening in to to conversation just play those words in your head. Dean. Hi hello. Your friends hurt me. I hate you. Run"
"Makes sense" Brandon nods his head.

We decide to head down the the lobotomy room where my headache gets even worse and now my stomach is hurting. Maybe it's from being awake for so long, but surly by now with how many investigation we have done I should be used to being awake at night. I hold on to Corey's arm
"You ok?"
"Yeah just bad headache and feel a little sick" Corey checks his phone to see the time
"We've probably got like 40 minutes left. Do you think you can manage?"
"What's going on?"
"Thea doesn't feel well" Corey tells Elton
"I'll be fine. It's not long till we leave"
"Ok well let's do an out loud spirit box" Elton gets out the box and presses the on button
"How did you die?" Corey asks
'I don't know'
"Ow. Somethings poking me" Corey bends over holding his side
"We definitely need to come back. It's way to big for one night" I nod my head agreeing with Corbin
"Can we get out of here please?"
"Out of the building?" Elton asks me
"Just out of this area"
"Well we still need to go and say bye to Lilly" Corbin says
"Yeah let's go" leaving the room my head already feels better and I no longer feel as sick.

We walk to get the rest of the tape (getting lost a couple time) then to Lilly's room where we say goodbye and leave the building all together
"Ok well the suns rising. This was crazy and we have to come back" Elton says to the camera
"Definitely" I nod
"How are you feeling now?" Corbin asks me
"Errm still have a slight headache but so much better"
"So tomorrow we will be going to Moundsville Penitentiary which Thea you need to be prepared for because I have a feeling you will be effected a lot"
"Great" I groan throwing my head back. Elton finish's the outro and we get into our hired car. He drives us to a motel and we post up for the day to catch up on sleep.

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now