Overnight In Haunted Eloise Insane Asylum Pt3

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We continue the tour and end up walking into a bathroom. It a room full of showers  with curtains across them and a few bath tubs.
When I walk in I feel as though we aren't alone
"There's someone in here" I say looking up to Corey who takes my hand in his "if we're quiet for a moment I may be able to find out who it may be" Corey nods his head
"Anyone want to stand in there?" Tom asks
"Yeah I will. Just stay quiet" I walk into the shower and close the curtain. I sit down and close my eyes and focus as hard as I can "there's a woman in here. The name Mary has popped into my head" I say aloud for everyone to hear. My neck starts to ache almost as if I've just been punched in the neck "also my neck hurts"
"Your neck?" I hear Elton say probably frowning "that's all I'm getting" I open my eyes, get up and get out of the shower
"Anyone else?"
"Yeah" Corbin, Corey and Brandon say in sync and all move forward
"Yeah I will" Corbin shrugs
"I love this new enthusiasm from all of you. Like you all stepped forward at the same time"
"If one of you moves the shower curtain I'm gonna.." Corbin doesn't finish his sentence and weirdly the curtain moves
"Ha ha very funny" I roll my eyes, but then have the feeling that it's not him
"Do you see that?" Tom asks
"Corbin are you moving the curtain?" Brandon asks
"No?" Corbin replies. We watch it move a little longer "ok I'm getting out of here"
"Well if you follow me to this door. This was a closet and one of the nurse had to go in here to get something and the nurse found a woman hanging from this pipe"
"No wonder my neck was hurting. I was probably channeling the woman who had hanged herself".

We carry on with the tour, apparently one room people froze to death. Corbin ends up staying in a room on his own while we explore the bathtub that the child died in. Finally it's time to investigate!
As it has worked many times before we decide to use the portal box and use headphones. Brandon is the first one up, he sits in the bathtub and Elton tells him to shout out the words he hears while we stand in a separate room
"They're also here" Brandon shouts out
"If there are any spirits here, can you say the name of the place we are right now?" Elton asks
"It could be you" Brandon shouts
"Could you say the name of the place we're at, the room, the type of building, the name of the building" Elton once again asks out loud, to which Brandon replies
"Don't.... It's a girl"
"This is the all mens floor though?" Elton looks at us confused
"But Thea is a girl and the only one" Corbin points to me
"That's true" Corey gasps
"On the hunt" I frown not understand what Brandon just shouted out. We then hear a whistle, we all turn to face where we heard the noise
"Did you just hear that?" Corey asks
"The whistle? yeah"
"No it sounded like a girl scream" Corey turns to look at me
"I heard a scream or squeal" Elton says
"Find him" Brandon shouts out
"Is there someone here?"
"Miserable" Brandon shouts almost cutting Elton's questions off "closure"
"Do you want closure to what happened to you?" I ask
"Guys do you hear those footsteps?" Corey asks. I shake my head no
"Are you hear with us?" Corbin asks, Brandon doesn't reply but we hear something moving around and a weird sound that can only be described as someone walking up metal stair but stomping their feet
"Have you stopped taking to us?" Elton asks
"We don't" Brandon shouts "I just told you" my head begins to hurt like when a load of people are trying to talk to you at once
"What are you trying to tell us?" Elton asks
"It's back"
"What's back?" I ask
"I'd like to leave" Brandon replies still listening to the portal box "Corey" he shouts
"Oh fuck off" I groan "what have I got myself into" I pout looking at Corey who's eyes are wide
"I don't know wether to freak out right now or laugh" he replies
"Do you want to leave with Corey?" Elton asks and the loud noise happens again
"My bed" Brandon shouts
"Sorry spirits but Corey is taken" I say loudly as a joke
"Do you want us to go towards the noise?" Corey asks
"Look out for me" Brandon shouts "only you"
"Only you and I just said to go towards the noise"
"It's got a crush on Corey" I sing trying to lighten the mood
"Go for it Corey" Corbin says "I'm actually scared right now"
"If that noise comes back then I'll know that your talking to me"
"Open, sprint"
"My head hurts" I sigh
"In what way?" Corbin asks
"As if there's loads of people talking at once. Then when ever someone talks loudly it's like really high pitched"
"Do you need to take a breather outside?"
"No I should be fine for now, but if it gets worse or I feel ill then yeah" I reply to Corbin and give him a small smile
"Say the name of the person that should go into that room down there" Corey says and we wait for a response, but it's definitely not one we wanted
"Die" my eyes widen
"Dude dude dude. He just said die"
"I know but somethings creaking. We have to go down there"
"Oh you know what room that is? that's where they did all the medical treatments. All the surgeons were right there. That was the surgeons elevator" Corey gasps as Elton explains what that room was
"That what the noise was. It was an elevator going up or down" personally I don't hear that. It sounded more like something moving or being dragged
"The evil"
"You guys go down there. I'll stay here with Brandon so he's not on his own" I say to the group
"You sure?" Corey asks me placing his hands on my shoulders. I nod my head yes and he places a kiss on my forehead "shout if you need us"

"Dangerous. This place. Now you got me" I look over to where the boys are. I can see Elton, Corbin and Corey, but there's another figure there. It's more of a black silhouette "family, help" my head starts to hurt more
"Guys!" I shout, or think I shout because no one actually turns back to me "guys don't go in there I have a bad feeling" I shout once again
"Lady" Brandon calls out but once again no reaction from the other group "help. Right now" I can hear the boys mumbling questions but I'm more focused on this headache
"Why?" Brandon calls out. I see the boys walking back towards me, thankfully just the 3 of them
"Did you not hear me call you?" I ask when they get back to me
"No? are you ok?" Corey asks frowning
"Errm my head hurts more, but there was 4 of you. Like I could see you Elton and Corbin but there was this black figure with you as well"
"Wait seriously?" Corbin asks looking worried
"A lot worse" Brandon shouts. We walk back over to Brandon
"Oh my god. We walked away from you not we could still hear you" Elton smiles
"But when I was calling you no one could hear me"
"That's weird"
Corey then tells Brandon about that weird noise and my headache begins to lift. I then tell him about the spirits I saw and Brandon tells us that he felt like he had to keep looking behind him while in that room.

Corey puts down a REM pod by the elevator
"I want to put this next to the elevator because I'm convinced right now that the noise we heard earlier was the elevator running" he checks that the REM pod is working by placing his hand next to it, of course it beeps letting us all know it's on and working. Corey then tries to open the elevator, to my surprise it does in fact open
"Elton? should we try and open it? can you turn the light off please Evan. Alright I'm going to press this button" It's hard for me to see what's going on in the dark
"Did you just hear that?" Corbin asks "was that you?"
"I didn't press it" Corey whispers "was it a little knock?"
"Guys I wanna go up the stairs" I say out of the blue
"Upstairs?" Elton frowns as Evan turns the camera light back on. I nod my head "but we're on the 5th floor?"
"No there's a 6th" I state. I walk over to the stairs
"Why would Tom purposefully tell us there were only 5 floors?" Elton asks more confused than anything. We get to the top of the stairs and there's a door which leads into a room. The room has a small opening and above it is written 'LOVE SHAC' with an arrow pointing down
"Oh that is sketch" Brandon states while he is crouched down looking into the opening. It looks like its where all the pipes run for the water and maybe heat
"You want to go in?" Corbin asks Brandon
"No because this door closes and probably locks and I don't trust all you guys, well except Thea" Elton starts to chuckle
"Thea was the worst when it came to the prank wars" Corey nervously smiles
"Really?" Corbin asks shocked
"Oh yes, she was evil, worse than me" Elton carries on laughing
"Well now I don't trust any of you"
"Ok so you know I said I wanted to come up here? well now I don't. It was like something was pulling me to come up, but now it's like something dark is here that we shouldn't mess with. We're ok stood here, but if we go through the opening, I feel like something bad will happen"
"Like what?" Brandon asks but I just shrug.

TFIL Overnight Adventures Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now