Chapter Seven

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** Flashback **

I have to crawl out the window, carrying only a small back pack with some clean clothes and the meager contents of my purse. I cant even grab a pair of shoes because god only knew who was down stairs, as all the trusted members came and went as they pleased.

The house is about 5 kilometers away from the main road, he said I had two hours, I look at my watch and I've lost twenty minutes.

I had to leave my phone behind so he couldn't track it, I guess now the gold Guess watch on my wrist was a piece of jewelry I couldn't afford to leave behind.

I'm running in the cover of trees beside the long road, I can feel the twigs cutting my feet. I stop to assess the damage, and its not looking too good. Pair that with me being horrendously out of shape and its a devastating combo.

I look at the time, its been 45 minutes since he left. I look down at my feet again and pick some rocks out of the torn flesh, the smell of my own blood causing a wave of nausea.

I shake it off and stand upright again. I'm about only about 10 minutes away from the main road running, but my feet wont let me run anymore. I have to slow down and watch where I step from now on or I'll never make it.

Tears streak my face by the time I reach the gravel ditch that leads to the main road, I know I have to walk across it and the thought alone makes me sob. I don't want to do this anymore, if I turn back now will he forgive me?

I already know the answer to that and its yes. He will forgive me I'm one hundred percent certain, but he'll probably beat the absolute shit out of me first. So I guess that's not an option for me anymore.

I bite my lip and squint my eyes as I cross the gravel, sobs escaping my lips here and there at the pain. When I hit pavement I sigh in relief at the flat land and groan at the thought of having to do it again when I reach the other side.

I could jump it, but the landing could end up making it worse. I have no time to think because I hear a car coming and I bolt off the road, barely making it to cover before I watch Shiloh driving my black Porsche, he slows and turns down the road to what was once our house.

I'm thankful he didn't see me but then I look at the time, he said two hours and its only been one. Panic surges through me, I have less than 10 minutes before he notices me missing assuming he comes to check on me when he gets home.

I look to the direction of town, then look to the direction of the highway. He thinks I'm stupid so he'll NEVER imagine that I'd hit the highway with no car, no shoes or any money. So I run back across the gravel and up on to the road, taking full advantage of the 10 minutes that I've been guaranteed.

My feet hit the flat, twig free pavement at a full sprint, they carry me as fast and far as possible and they don't stop.

**Flashback Over**

I can see the gate in the distance, and I come closer to the edge of the trees. Two men stand guard, one has a cigarette which catches my attention right away, I would kill for a smoke right now. The other is sitting in a small shed-like booth, looking around. I wait a few minutes for the smoker to go inside, when he does both men turn their attention to a computer monitor.

Its now or never. I creep out of the trees behind them, I drop into a crouch sliding under the window and dash under the the fancy gate. I don't look back until I make it back to the trees and am overjoyed when no one follows.

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