Chapter Ten

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It's 6am when a housekeeper - I refuse to call them maids- calls me down for breakfast. I pass on the food and rig myself up some iced coffee, which I take to to the patio so I can enjoy my morning blunt in peace.

The mornings are cold now that summer is over, so I brought one of the fuzzy blankets from my room to huddle up in due to not having a jacket.

"Miss Brooks?" I look up and recognize the house keeper that brought me my basket of goodies last night.

"Your clothing has arrived along with the other items you've requested. I've taken the liberty of laying out some athletic wear for you on your bed as you're due for your job briefing in the gym in 45 minutes. You may go through your new belongings afterwards. I strongly suggest that you don't be late." She says to me curtly before leaving like she did last time.

It seems like I've already pissed her off in some way. I am famously unlikeable so its unsurprising.

It occurs to me that she's probably the one who's repeatedly had to clean up the destruction I've caused since I've arrived, on top of doing my personal shopping. Yeah, I'd probably be pissed too.

I sigh and get out of my spot on the ridiculously comfortable patio chair and make my way to my new room.


This is the most awkward shit I've ever experienced.

"Um, hi I'm Nova. I've been kidnapped and am currently being held against my will. I guess I'll be your new hand to hand instructor, presumably until my release or my death. Which ever comes first. Hopefully the latter." I say earning me some small chuckles.

These guys are lined up in rows with their hands behind their backs, like a small army looking at me awaiting their orders.

"First things first, warm up." I announce.

"We've been here since 6:30 Ma'am. We're ready to get to work." One man in the front states.

"Damn, okay then. Well you all look like seasoned criminals, so I guess you can just pair up and spar so I can see what I'm working with." I say to them and its almost unsettling how they just wordlessly obey.

I used to help Dad train the kids at his gym, but obviously that's like herding ducklings. Those crotch goblins wouldn't listen to Jesus himself if he was standing in front of them. Then of course there was Mark and Kaden but they don't count, I don't want to remember what training them was like. That pain is all consuming.

This however, is much different than that. These are people who are going to use these skills as a weapon.

The thought makes me uneasy as I recall what happened last time I did something like this, unfortunately for me, I don't have much of a choice here just like it was back then.

I watch as the men go at it and realize I do have a lot of work cut out for me. They can fight, that's not exactly the issue. I think the issue is, their fighting style doesn't leave much room for weapon use and that's why they aren't as efficient as they should be.

They're all very evenly matched as well, big people with big people, fast people with fast people etc.

I grab a shorter guy who has a bit of speed on his side, and I grab a big one who looks like he's going to eat me for lunch when I pull him aside before I call out to the other men to stop and pay attention.

When I do, they all jump back into their military line formation.

"Okay that's weird, you guys can relax around me." I state but no one moves. "Seriously, it's freakin' me out."

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