Chapter Sixteen

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He's looking at me like I've just said the most ridiculous thing ever and it enrages me. He was one of the people I trusted most to have my back, I put my life in his hands regularly and he didn't notice.

"He gave you the world and you threw it back at his face, and he'd still go to the ends of the earth to have you! You're coming home." He say's to me and I feel physically sick, the alcohol churning in the pit of my stomach. They didn't notice at all.

"How many missions did we go on?  HOW MANY MISSONS?" I roar and he blinks at me in surprise.

"How many time's did I have mysterious training accident's that no one witnessed? Or failed undercover mission's and ended up bedridden with injuries? Or showed up to training covered in bruises that none of you could take credit for?"

"No one but SHILOH FUCKING REYES." He flinches back, mouth gaping as what I say clicks into his head.

"You all just took his word and assumed that he wouldn't lie to you because we were a family. NEWSFLASH MATTEO, THE FAMILY WAS BULLSHIT. Look how he treats you guys!"

There's silence for a second before someone speaks up, relief floods my body when I recognize the voice.

I look in the direction it came from and in comes Oliver, with Carmen, Cole, and Marco hot on his heels in perfect formation.

"Back the fuck off them." He says, all guns trained on the men remaining.

Matteo looks at me and I can see he's figuring things out in his head, trying to decide where he stands. He opens his mouth, closes it, opens it again. There are no words coming out but we make eye contact and I know.

"Mira esta mierda tonta. Él le cree..Someone speaks up but Matteo doesn't move an inch. Look at this dumb fuck. He believes her.

He just looks at the guy and shakes his head sadly. "¿Cómo podríamos estar ciego a esto?" He turns and heads in our direction. How could we be blind to this?

"Es tu funeral. Tenemos nuestras órdenes." He says and fires at Matteo who dives for the floor in our direction. I need to fucking learn Spanish. It's your funeral. We have our orders.

The fire fight is short and soon enough, its just us. Oliver keeps his gun trained on Matteo, clearly not trusting him even though the poor guy just stands off to the side staring at me like a spanked puppy.

Carmen, Marco and Cole are over with Simon giving him a rundown of the situation outside, Carmen giving Fae a once over.

Oliver speaks into his com and tells someone that we're okay and his body goes rigid, he looks at Matteo with eyes that could kill.

"Your boss is outside requesting Nova's presence." He says through gritted teeth. "There's another way to get out of here, follow me."

I walk over to the bar, pick up the bottle of tequila and take the stupid little bar tap thing off it before putting it on my head and chugging a good few mouthfuls before I feel like gagging.

This was girls night and it was ruined, I earned that little chug. I hear someone cough next to me and pass the bottle to Fae who seems to be on the same page as me. Fucking men ruin everything.

"Some things don't change." Matteo say's to me and I roll my eyes.

"Not when you have a life like mine they don't." We're moving toward the door, the burn in the back of my throat reminding me that tequilas always been a great friend. One of the boys has their hand on a door handle to open it.

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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