Chapter Two

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The screaming crowd parts for me while I make my way to the ring. My nerves soar while my eyes are thoroughly assessing her. I'm not nervous about the fight, but the strange man that bet a large sum of money on me. 

She's obviously bigger than I am, mostly in height but size doesn't usually matter to me. All I can think about is if she has the skill that Mark says this could end up turning out to be interesting.

"Touch gloves, and you know the rules girls. No biting, scratching, pinching, hair pulling, eye gouging, weapons or dirt flicking. Keep off the cage." The referee explains, mostly out of habit. I nodded and smiled at the girl in front of me and held out my glove.. Then she smacked it away.


I narrowed my eyes at her, people are typically rude and disrespectful in The Den, it comes with the territory and that's fine. When it comes to us athletes however, most of us are different. You should always have respect for your opponents and never take your fights personal. We're all here to put food on the table or whatever.

I keep eye contact with her as I back up bouncing on the balls of my feet and shaking my arms loose. I'm waiting for the buzzer to signal the beginning of our fight, watching as she takes an orthodox stance when a sinister idea enters my mind.

Okay mean girl, lets play a little game, a dirty one. Instead of following suit, I mirror her and go southpaw to see how she handles it, and its very satisfying to watch her grimace around her mouth guard. Pussy.

She really should have at least pretended to be respectful.

**** FLASH BACK ****

"Nova pay attention! As I was saying, when you take a fighting stance you put your weaker side foreword so that you can pour your body weight into your cross."

"Oh my god Dad I already know this, can we please just do kicks today?" I groan.

"Novalynn." He says in his warning tone. "Now, since most people use an orthodox stance, you can get the upper hand easily if you know how to switch. A southpaw mirrors an orthodox stance, it's completely opposite. It doesn't have to be something you master, but it can help you confuse your opponent enough to keep you off the ropes."

**** PRESENT ****

Judging by this girls face right now- she isn't trained properly which would explain Mark calling her "wild". I kinda feel bad for what's about to happen to her. Not bad enough though, rude ass.

The buzzer sounds and the crowd screams at us to fight, I begin to advance on her even as she hesitates to approach me. The people who bet on her are screaming at her to get her left foot on the outside but she's overthinking. Never listen to the crowd girly.

The two biggest mistakes you can make during a fight is listening to the crowd and overthinking. She's doing both and to top it off she's kept herself real busy looking down at our feet as she tries to gain the inside. Its far too late for her now and she doesn't even realize that I'm already there. In half a second I'm on her.

Keeping my right foot on the outside I spring foreword pushing her left hand down with a hard parry and I'm landing a solid jab to her face with my right. Her head snaps back, nose profusely bleeding and she slides back before I can land a second hit. That's okay, let's see what she's really made of.

Bouncing foreword she throws a quick combo of punches at me, not landing anything effectively but I'll give her one thing, she's a hard hitter. I can see the frustration coming out on her face as I handle her hits with ease after a few big ones land. That's when she realizes I have the advantage here being smaller and quicker than her.

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