Chapter Fourteen

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I may not be the brightest bulb in the pack, but I do know what some Spanish means. Bastante has something to do with being pretty. So I take that and roll with it.

The feeling is like a dull fire in the pit of my stomach that sends heat across my body, its a cross between rage and lust that brings a shit eating grin to my face. One that only grows when I watch him realize I understood him. He just doesn't know how much I understood.

At that very moment I decide that I just have to seize this opportunity and have at least a little fun with this. Fake it 'till ya make it.

 Walking over to where he was leaned against his desk after retrieving my purse, I place my hand on his chest barely touching him and peer up at him through my eyelashes. 

"You don't want me to stay?" I ask, keeping my voice low. The proximity slightly increasing my breathing, but I don't think he'll notice. I can feel how muscular his chest is by just the graze of my fingertips. 

His face remains impassive while he stands as still as a statue, watching for my next move. His dark eyes scanning the details of my face before dropping to my mouth. I can feel his heart beat, its matching my own as it thunders in my ears.

Slowly I lean up on my tip toes, feeling him stiffen under my hands. Oh god is he ever tall, he must be lowering his head to meet me but I'm too far gone to notice.  He's there, a breath away  and have to tilt my head sideways for fear that I'll do something I regret. Stay focused. I open my mouth to speak sighing a little before I do, knowing my breath is fanning across his neck.

He smells like burning Palo Santo and mint. Its heaven.

"I think you'll learn pretty quick, that honey is better than vinegar. I'll think about your offer, bello." I back away without another look, making sure to put an extra sway in my hips while I do solely because I can feel his eyes burning a hole in my back. Handsome.


"I don't know Fae, I mean yeah it's a good deal but it's been years since I've had anything to do the game. Now that I have a choice, I don't know if I want to be here." I say to her.

She's sitting across from me in my little attic lounge, which has become my favorite space. This is some vampire shit.

I can tell she's thinking carefully before she speaks. That's kinda' what I like about Fae, she knows when to be serious and when to joke. She really has become my best friend here.

"I'm sorry, I'm honestly trying to weigh the pros and cons and the pros are looking pretty fucking good. I mean, don't get me wrong I'm totally hearing what your saying about not wanting to be a part of the life anymore, but fucking hell. What else are you going to do?"

She has a point. The money I've earned here isn't going to last forever, plus I'm going to have to relocate again and find a new job. Not only that, but its always so risky having to look for a new place to make extra cash. 

The Den was a fluke, the long term care home was a thankless job and I'm definitely not stripping again. I actually have a bit of respect for myself these days, no way I'm going back now.

I don't have anyone I care for outside of this estate. Fae isn't only my best friend here, she's the only best friend I've had in years and even though he rightfully hates me I don't want to leave Mark again. Unless he wants me to..

Letting out a sigh, my thoughts drift to Ashton for a second. Remembering the look on his face as he called me pretty something in Spanish, one simple word that provoked a greater reaction in me than I'd like to admit.

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