meeting the gladers

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3rd person pov:

It was dark and noisy in this very small box. Not just any box and box moving upwards at about 30 miles per hour. An unconscious girl lays on the floor of the box. She has dark brown curly hair, tan skin, dark brown eyes, and looked of Hispanic descent. As the box continues moving upward, one of the box's stacked in the corner falls on the floor making a loud bang waking the girl. Gasping for breath the girl sits up and tries to stand, just to fall to the floor again. 

"Ahh!" The girl screams

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"Ahh!" The girl screams. The girl starts banging on the box floor and yells. "Hey! Hey! Help me! Help, please!" All the yelling starts to hurt the girls throat, so she whispers her last attempts. "Help... please, please..." giving up the girl lays on the ground silently crying and whimpering, wanting for the box to stop moving. As she's waiting she realized something she can't remember anything, not her name, not her age, not her family, not anything about her or her past before this box she hated so much. "Please, please stop..."

After few more minutes of the box going up is finally stops with a loud screeching noise. the metal rubbing agents more metal, as a loud siren goes off outside of the box. The girl covers her ears. She hears noises coming from outside of the box, 'I hope I can get out of this box soon...'  the girl thinks.

 After waiting a few seconds the top of the box starts opening up. A bright light starts to pour in the small box blinding the girl. She groans as she covers her eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light. After her eyes adjusted, she looked up at saw about 20 boys standing over her looking down into the box. Some had confused faces, some where laughing, the rest where talking to the other boys around them.

A skinny boy with sanding blonde hair, light skin, and brown eyes spoke quietly looking down inspecting her. "Bloody hell" There everyone was just staring at each other. All the boys looking at the girl and the girl looking at all the boys. Util the same boy spoke again

"Throw the rope down." He told some of the other boys. A small group of boys shuffled around getting the rope at throwing it down for the girl to climb out. the blond boy put his hand out for her to grab as she reached the top. The girl was very happy to be able to finally get out of that box. She slowly climbed out of the box, as she reached the top the boys moved back to give her space. The girl turned in a circle slowly examining her surroundings.

"Where am I?" She muttered thinking no one would hear, but a new voice spoke. 

"Your in the glade, greenie." She looked to her side and saw a older looking boy with brown skin, buzzed hair, and dark brown eyes.

'Greenie? What is that?'  She looks back to her surroundings noticing the woods in one corner 'woods, I can run there. But I should ask questions first, see if they have answers.'  She looks back to the older boy, "why can't I remember anything?" She asked in a stern voice. The boy looked a bit taken back by her tone of voice, and a bit annoyed.

"I can't tell you that, bean"

'bean? What's with these things he's calling me?'  And with that she was off, she ran and ran, all the way to the woods. As she ran, she heard people calling after her, but she ignored them. After she passed some trees, she climbed one, jumping from branch to branch perfectly, she sat on the highest branch she could get to. think if she's all the way up there, they can't see her. 'How did I know how to do that?'  She didn't have any memories of doing the before, but she did so easily, like she had done it multiple times. 'Oh well...'  She thought.


The girl had been sitting in the trees for at least 10 minutes when she noticed an opening in the walls. She looked closer and saw 3 boys running into the main area of the 'glade' as the older boys said.

She saw a boy with lightly tanned skin, black hair, and looked of Asian descent. He jogged up to the boy with blonde hair and the older boy. They are started talking but since they were far away for the girl to hear what they were saying. she stood up to get a better view of them. After a bit the older boy pointed to the woods where she was, they all look towards her direction. She tried to hide behind the leaves and branches of the tree hoping they couldn't see her.

Awhile later the girl heard footsteps "well, look what we have here." A voice below her said. She looked down and saw the Asian boy from before. 

"Are you going to come down here, or do I need to get you myself?" He asked her with his arms crossed. She just stared at him for a moment.

"I think I'm good up here." She finally said slowly, and kind of unsure.

"Aren't you hungry or something? You've been up there almost all day." She looked around the leaves of the trees and saw it was almost dark.

"Fine, I guess I'll come down there. But, only If you tell me your name first." Sitting down on the branch of the tree. The Asian boy sighed still looking up at her.

"Ok, well my name is Minho. Welcome to the glade." Minho said uncrossing is arms. "Can you get down here now? I want to eat dinner." The girl sighed and jumped from one branch to another, then to the ground. Minho looked at her kind of impressed and surprised.

"Ok, Where are we going?" she asked him.

That night the girl was laying down on the watch tower trying to sleep, when a name popped in her head. "Maya" she whispered. It was her name. She decided to tell the boys in the morning and go to bed now. A few seconds later her eyes felt heavy, and she drifted off to sleep.

And with that she was the first girl of the glade. the first sister any of the boys in the glad remembered having. 

1081 words

(I hated how this story was paragraphed before, so I decided to fix it.)

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