Open when...

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This is based on the picture above


Open when...

A week has gone

Hi Magnus. 

I know Catarina gave this chest to you. She was the only one I could trust to give them to you without reading them herself. I knew I was going to die at some point, so I hope these letters will help you move on.

I don't know how I died, but I hope we lived a happy life together, and if not, I'm so sorry for leaving you. I never wanted that and even thinking about it makes me sick at my heart. I love you now, when I'm writing this, and I will love you in the afterlife if there is something like that, and if there is not, I still love you, where ever I am.

Yours forever,



Open when...

You are so sad you can't function


What is making you so sad? Is it me? Is it someone else? If it is me, please, don't cry. I love you too much to even think I'm the reason why you are crying. 

Remember all those happy memories we had? Remember our wedding and how we swore to love each other to eternity? Remember when we adopted Max and Rafe?

Keep these thoughts in your mind and you will survive. I promise.

Loving you for eternity,



Open when...

You want to burn the world down


Don't burn the world down yet. It's maybe a bit too early for an apocalypse. But why are you so angry? Did someone piss you off? Because if it is that, I think you can find a solution.

Or are you angry with yourself? If so, why? Did you summon a wrong demon? Or are you angry because you couldn't save someone? If that is the reason, let me tell you: It. Wasn't. Your. Fault. Got it? Good. Because sometimes bad things happen and we can't stop them. But we have to learn how to forgive ourselves.

Now, try not to burn the whole world down.




Open when...

You miss me so much you can't breathe

Hey, hey Mags, it's okay. Breathe. In and out. Remember how we did when it was your mother's death anniversary? Do the same. In and out. Did it help? I hope so, because if it didn't I am very dissapointed in myself.

Now, try to remember all the good things about us. Our first date. When we got back together in Edom. All the good things. I'm still with you, in your memories. You know that right? I know it hurts. It hurts me too to think of you in so much pain. But I love you. I'll love you always. And you'll always have me with you. As long as you let yourself remember all the good things. Okay?

I miss you too,



Open when...

You fall in love again

So you have found a new love? Good. I hope they'll help you move on. I know I was an asshole when... well you know what I mean. Let's not talk about it, because it was the worst decision of my life. But now I'm just happy to know someone will be helping you.

Is this person treating you well? Does he or she give you all the love you deserve? Because if not, I will personally come from death and give them a lesson called "How To Treat Magnus Bane Right." I'm serious. No one deserves happiness more than you.

Now, go and love this person and let this person love you too.




Open when...

You realize you can't remember exactly what shade of blue my eyes were


It's okay. It's okay. You have moved on. That's good. I love you so much. So, so much. You will never know exactly how much. I'm so proud of you. I know I will never be as strong as you. You are so beautiful and amazing. You know that right? I think I never got to say it as much as I wanted.

I put these pictures in here so you can still remember all the good things. Why do I have a feeling that I say that in every letter?  Maybe I just want you to still remember me. I know it's selfish but I love you too much. What ever you do, never give up. Continue loving and being the amazing, beautiful human you have always been. Those who get your love are lucky. Your love is so unique and perfect.

I love you so so much. I hope you know that. And I will say this for one more time;

I love you in life and death, in bad and good, I will support you, help you to your feet, promise my love to you from now on to eternity.

I love you. Aku cinta kamu. I love you.



Magnus looked at the tear stained letter. It was the last one. The chest was empty. He let his tears fall. His Alexander, his beautiful, loving nephilim. He was dead. Magnus had realized it a long time ago but now the pain was back. His nephilim had been by his side even in the death.

He looked at the pictures. There was a picture from their wedding. They both looked good in their wedding clothes but Magnus only saw Alexander. Alexander who had a blue jacket with golden runes. They had gotten a wedding in warlock blue and shadowhunter gold. Just as they always wanted.

Next picture was them with their boys, Rafael and Max. All of them were smiling. They had been so happy. Maybe they still were. Max just didn't live in New York anymore, and Rafe had joined his dad in heaven. It had been so long time. Over 100 years. It still hurt to think of his husband or older son, but the pain was bearable.

Magnus looked at the pictures for a long time, lost in his thoughts. Slowly he started to smile. He trusted for his only true love to be waiting for him, where ever he was. He decided to answer to his love.

"I love you Alexander. I will love you as long as I live," he whispered into the dark. He put the letter back into the chest. "I love you."



So here it is. A new chapter. I got this idea a long time ago but I just had no idea how to write it down. So... You are welcome? I hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading!

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