Malec in Queen of Air and Darkness

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Here's some of my favorite Malec moments/converstations from QoAaD. Enjoy! (These page numbers are the numbers that are in my book so you guys maybe have some different versions)


Page 516-517

"Okay, let's talk about the important part." Magnus turned to Alec with a furious look on his face. "You killed yourself? Why would you do that?"

Alec looked startled. "That wasn't me," he pointed out. "It was an alternate universe, Magnus!"

Magnus grabbed Alec by the front of his shirt. "If I die, you are not allowed to do anything like that! Who would take care of our kids? How could you do that to them?"

"We never had kids in that world!" Alec protested.

"Where are Rafael and Max?" Emma whispered to Cristina.

"Simon and Isabelle are looking after them in New York. Alec checks in every day to see if Max is getting sick, but he seems fine so far," Cristina whispered  back.

"You are not allowed to hurt yourself, under any circumstances," Magnus said, his voice gruff. "Do you understand that, Alexander?"

"I would never," Alec said softly, stroking Magnus's cheek. Magnus clasped Alec's hand against his face. "Never."

They all looked away, letting Magnus and Alec have their moment in privacy.


Page 579-580

Sunlight poured into the library through every available window: They had all been flung open. It lay in squares on the floor and painted the table in bright stripes. It turned Mark's and Helen's hair to white gold, made Jace into a tousled bronze statue, and lit Magnus's cat eyes to tourmaline as he sat curled on the couch, looking pale but energized and drinking Lake Lyn water out of crystal vial with a brightly colored straw.

He was leaning against Alec, who was grinning ear to ear and scolding Magnus to drink more water. Emma wouldn't have thought it was possible to do both at once, but Alec was used to multitasking.

"This water is making me drunk," Magnus complained. "And it tastes awful."

"It contains no alcohol," said Diana. She looked tired- not surprising, after her journey to and from Idrir -but composed as always, in a tailored black dress. "It might have a slight hallucinatory effect, though.

"That explains why I can see seven of you," Magnus said to Alec. "My ultimate fantasy."

Dru covered Tavvy's ears, though Tavvy was playing with a Slinky Alec had given him and appeared deaf to the world.

Magnus pointed. "That one of you over there is extremely attractive, Alexander."

"That's a vase," said Helen.

Magnus squinted at it. "I'd be willing to buy it from you."

"Maybe later," said Helen. "Right now we should all focus on what Diana has to tell us."



And then there's the whole proposal and wedding but I had to take the book back to the library so I couldn't write it

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