Meeting the author

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*Slides into the room* I am so sorry guys for taking so long to write a new chapter. I've had a writers block but I hope you enjoy this! I changed my name to Natalie.


"I said it was a bad idea to come to Finland," Alec said holding his hands to his mouth and blowing warm air to them. "Stop complaining," Magnus said to his husband. "It's only a little cold." Alec shot him a disbelieving look. "A little? Are you serious right now? It's fucking -25 °C!" (-13 °F)

"Language my dear," Magnus said grinning to his husband. "Come on, let's get you to some warmer place." Alec just rolled his eyes. They started walking towards a building that had a sing with the word 'Kirjasto' on top of it. People were going in and out of it's door.

Suddenly Magnus stumbled a little forward and fell to his knees. Alec already had his hand over his seraph blade when he turned around, but there was only a mundane girl. Or at least she looked like a mundane. Her face was covered with a black scarf so only her green eyes were visible. "Oho anteeks, mä en huomannu sua," she said. (Translation: Oh sorry, I didn't see you) 

"What?" Alec asked. "Ai te puhutte englantia," the girl said. "I mean.. you speak English," she continued. "And to you mate, I'm sorry I pushed you to ground, I didn't see you," she said to Magnus and offered him her hand. Magnus took it and rose to his feet. The girl was shorter than Alec and him, but not as short as Clary back in New York. "It's okay girl, what's your name?" Magnus asked from her with a smile. The girl pulled the scarf down. "Natalie," she said and smiled lopsidedly. "I was going to the library," Natalie said pointing to the building where Alec and Magnus were going too.

"So 'Kirjasto' is library?" Alec asked. "Yup," Natalie answered. "What a funny coincidence, we were going there too," Magnus said. Natalie just smiled. "Well... it was nice to meet you guys, but I'll have to go. I have some books to take care of," she said and saluted them. "Wait Natalie, is it okay if we stick with you? We don't know our way here so we could use a guide," Magnus asked from her. "Of course, you can come with me," she answered. They went inside the library.

"So are you guys friends or..." Natalie asked from them. Magnus and Alec changed a look. "We are married," Alec said cautiously. You can never know if someone is homophobic. Natalie turned to face them.  "Congratulations!" she said and smiled. Alec relaxed slightly. 

"What are your names? You know mine so it's only fair if I know yours," she continued. "I'm Magnus and that's Alec," Magnus said. Natalie stopped in her tracks. "Wait, as in Magnus and Alec Lightwood-Bane?" she asked raising her eyebrows. "How'd you know?" Alec asked looking incredulous. "Are you serious?! Everyone who knows about the shadow world knows Lightwood-Banes!" she said.  "Are you a downworlder?" Alec asked from her. She didn't look like one. "No I'm not. I'm only a mundane. Cassandra Clare has made stories of you," Natalie said. Magnus and Alec looked at each other.

"Okay guys, you are my OTP so can you stop by my home when I'm done here?" she asked. "I guess so?" Alec said. Natalie went to take some books from the shelves and put them in her bag.

"I'm ready guys," she said. "Follow me!"


They arrived to her house. Natalie fished a key from her bag and opened the door. She gestured for them to go inside, so they did. Natalie followed them peeling off her jacket and hanging it to a nail on the wall. Alec and Magnus did the same. Natalie was putting her blonde shoulder-length hair to a bun, revealing an undercut.

"Do you guys want some coffee?" she asked opening her hoodie's zipper. She had a bullet as her necklace. "Yes, please," Magnus answered. Alec was looking around the living room. "Do you want milk or sugar with it?" Natalie asked again putting the coffee machine on. "I'll drink it black but get him some milk," Alec said nodding towards Magnus.

A few moments later the coffee was ready and Natalie was pouring it to three mugs that had some weird white hippos printed on them. She poured milk into two two of the mugs and took the other one of them. She gestured for Alec and Magnus to sit down. Magnus sipped his coffee. It was pretty good.

"So, what are you doing in Finland?" Natalie asked. "We just came here to explore a little bit," Magnus answered. Natalie nodded and took a big gulp from her coffee.

"Alec, is it possible for me to become a shadowhunter?" she asked with a hopeful glint in her eyes. Alec studied her with his blue eyes. "I think so, but you'd have to abandon your family," he said. Natalie nodded again. "Is there any Institutes in Finland?" she asked. This girl has many questions, Magnus thought. "Yes, there's one in Helsinki," Alec said to her. "Can someone come from there in few years and train me?" Natalie asked again. Alec nodded. "I think it's possible." Natalie's face broke into a big grin. "Can you please talk to them? I want to be a shadowhunter so badly," she said. Alec nodded and smiled for the first time after meeting her.

They talked about the shadow world and Natalie's training, but it was getting late. "Thanks for the coffee and all, but we'll have to get going," Magnus said standing up. Alec and Natalie rose up too. "Thank you for coming here," Natalie said with a smile.

Magnus conjured a portal to New York and waved to Natalie before stepping into it with Alec. A moment later they stood in their flat in Brooklyn. "Well that was something else," Alec chuckled. "Something else indeed," Magnus answered. "Come here my love," he continued sitting down on the couch and pulling Alec there with him. Alec kissed him, and after that they both fell asleep.



Thank you for reading! If you want me to write something (no smut) you can leave a request.

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