Thule pt. 1

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So basically I read QoAaD yesterday and got to the part about Thule and... yeah. I felt like I had to write about it. And if you didn't already realize it, this chapter contains spoilers from Queen of Air and Darkness.


We were running. Running away from the demons chasing us. The air burned in my lungs and I heard Alec panting next to me.

Then I felt my eyes burning and my vision blurred slightly. Not now please, I'll have to get him to safety first, I begged from something higher. If there even was someone in this angel forbidden land.

Alec turned and shot arrows to the demons. Few of them collapsed but there were still two of them chasing us. I turned and shot blue magic towards them. I knew it was risky but I had to do it, for his sake. Luckily for us the demons burst into flames and disappeared.

"Are you okay?" Alec asked from me looking slightly concerned. He knew about the disease. We both had seen what it did to our friends. "Y- yeah, I guess so," I answered. I felt a bit weak but Alec didn't seem to notice it. Or he was pretending not to.

"We have to find cover before the night falls," Alec said. I just nodded. We started walking towards an abandoned warehouse. Alec went to check it from inside for demons and came back with a little smile. "First demon-less house in a week," he said. "Let's go in."

It wasn't luxurious but it was better than nothing. There was a puddle of water on the floor. Alec had already went to sleep, but I went to the water and watched my reflection. My face was different. The lines were sharper and I looked... More demonic. It was the disease. I knew it and I hated it. It was coming between me and my lovely Alexander. I knew I should go away from him before something happened, but I just couldn't do that. I loved him too much.

Sighing, I went next to Alexander and cuddled to him from behind. This might be the last night when I got to hold him in my arms. Alec relaxed in my embrace and leaned his back to my chest. I smiled. Oh how I would love to keep it like this forever, just me and him, nothing disturbing us, no evil Morgensterns or demons. But I knew it wouldn't be like this for long.

I went to sleep and tried to find my happy place with him.


I woke up from my slumber to find Alec already standing and looking out from the doorway. "Good morning handsome," I said and went to hug him from behind. He jumped a little bit and then circled in my arms to hug me too. "You scared me," he said pouting. I just pecked his lips and smiled. Alec smiled too.

"We have to get going," he said smile disappearing. I sighed and nodded. This was our life now. Running and hiding. Fighting demons. I hoped things would be differently. Maybe in other world things were. Maybe Sebastian was dead there and I and Alec lived happily together.

Suddenly there was roaring and from the sky surged three dragon demons. "Watch out!" Alec called. I jumped out of the way when one of the demons surged down from the sky. Alec shot an arrow to it and I finished it with my magic. Alec shot me a conserned look and I gave him a thumbs up. Alec shot the other demon and I slayed the last one with my magic.

My sight blurred from the edges and Alec ran towards me when I collapsed to the ground. I heard Alec gasping. "Magnus your eyes!" he said. I knew what he meant. My eyes had turned black. "A- Alexander, I'm turning," I said and saw the horror and sorrow on my love's face.

"You'll have to kill me before I hurt you," I said. Alec's eyes widened. "No," he said. "Magnus no! I can't do that," he continued and tears came to his eyes as well as in mine. "But you have to," I said. "Please Alexander, I couldn't live with myself if I killed you!" I continued, now fully crying. "Please," I whispered. Alec was now crying too and took me into his arms and embraced me hard. "I love you, I love you so so much," he chanted. "I love you too my Alexander, aku cinta kamu, but you have to do it," I said to him.

Alec nodded. "Let me hold you for a while longer." "Okay," I answered. There we sat holding eachother, crying and changing 'I love you's'.

"Alexander, please, I love you to heaven and back but you have to do it now," I said. Alec nodded. We turned so we were facing eachother. Suddenly Alec started singing with a hoarse voice. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine." I continued "You make me happy, when skies are gray." We both sang the next verse. "You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." We were both crying and looking at each others eyes.

I kissed Alec with all the love I had for him. He kissed me back and for a while we just sat there, kissing eachother. When we parted I put my hand to his cheek. "Aku cinta kamu Alexander," I said. "I love you too Magnus, so so much," he said and kissed me again. "Are you ready?" he asked with a strained voice. I nodded and kissed him for the last time.

"I love you Magnus," he said. "I love you too Alexander," I answered before he thrust his blade into my heart.



I'm crying. Do I regret writing this? No. There will be second chapter. I hope you enjoyed.

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