Battle Scars

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Trigger warning: Mentions of self harm


Alec stumbled his way to their loft. He had gotten injured at a mission where he was alone and closest place was his and Magnus' home. He tried to fit the key to their door's lock but failed. He tried again and finally succeeded. He went to their loft and hoped Magnus wouldn't wake up. 

His boyfriend had had a rough week with the clients, and Alec didn't want to disturb his sleep. He went to the bathroom to get some medical supplies from the cabinet. He looked at his wounds. Shit that looks really bad, Magnus is gonna kill me if he gets to know, he thought.

Speaking of the devil, Alec heard someone clearing their throat behind him. "Alexander," Magnus started. "What are you doing?" "I- um I'm cleaning my wounds?" Alec replied but it sounded more like a question. "And why you didn't wake me up to heal them?" Magnus asked. "I didn't want to burden you," Alec said. 

"You would never be a burden to me sayang," Magnus said sighing, and sat down beside Alec. "Now let me help you," he said and Alec let him.

After they had cleaned Alec's wounds and Magnus had applied some healing magic to them, they were sitting on the couch drinking some wine. "You got a new scar then," Magnus said. "Yeah," Alec replied. "It's pretty normal when you are a soldier." "Can you show me some of your scars and tell me where you got them?" Magnus asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to," he rushed to continue when he saw Alec shifting uncomfortably on his seat. "No no it's- it's fine," he said.

"I got this one when I was training with Jace and he scratched me with his dagger," Alec said pointing to a small scar on his right arm. "And this one was from a raum demon," Alec said now pointing at a circle like scar where Magnus could see tiny marks from teeth.

"Is there any more scars you want tell me about?" Magnus asked. "Actually... there is," Alec said looking down which caused Magnus to frown. "Are you okay sweetie?" he asked concerned because of his boyfriends behavior. 

"Do you know why I always wear sweatpants or jeans?" Alec asked him and Magnus looked at him in confusion. Alec took a deep breath and pulled his pants legs up. Magnus gasped. "Oh darling. But why?" he said looking at the scarred lines on his lovers legs. "When I was still closeted I used to cut myself. I felt like I wasn't enough and I needed to hurt myself as a punishment," Alec said voice breaking a little bit. "No one knows except you and Izzy," he continued.

"Oh my dear Alexander," Magnus said pulling his boyfriend to his arms. Alec let himself to be embraced but backed up after a few moments. " I- I understand if you want to leave me now," he said eyes casted at the floor, not able to look at Magnus' eyes scared of what he could see. "What are you talking about?" Magnus asked really confused and a bit hurt from Alec's behavior. "I'm disgusting with these scars I did to myself," Alec said in the verge of crying, but he couldn't let his boyfriend see him cry like that.

"Alexander, darling look at me," Magnus said when Alec refused to look him straight in the eye. "I would never think you are disgusting," he said reassuringly. Alec still looked like he didn't believe him, so Magnus sighed and kissed him and poured every drop of love he felt into that kiss.

"You promise?" Alec said after they stopped kissing. Magnus looked him into the eyes. "I promise," he said. "Now let's get you to the bed. You need some rest." "So do you," Alec said. "You look like you haven't slept for a week." "That's maybe because I haven't slept for a week," Magnus said rolling his eyes. "But now let's get some sleep before we both collapse from tiredness," he said.



So what do you think fellas? I had to rewrite this for like 5 times until I was happy with the result. Thank you for reading!

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