Shui having a moment-

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Valt : Yo my lovely readers! *eats his beybread cutely*

Shu : We are here to let you all know.. *sighs*

Free : We are having Shui & Fralt book *happy af* check it out.

[A/N : The book is out already! " Second Chance " make sure you check it out! ❤ ]

Lui : *breaks the damn table* CAN I HAVE A FVCKING EXPLANATION?!!!

Valt : R.I.P the table.. ;-;

Shu : Why can't I have my valty?

Lui : Oh so you became that better that you don't want me?! *triggered*

Free : Shui shall be a canon.

Valt : Wow Free is the captain of Shui ship fanclub or something?

Lui : Alright anyways I don't think he's that bad either.

Shu : Excuse me?!! *blushes* Oh my sharkie keep your perv mind away from me.

Free : Can we have a shui making out scene?

(Le me : Since a lot of innocent beans are reading this we can't unfortunately)

Valt : Bravo!!!

Shu : Alright alright!! But Lui I won't let you touch me-

Lui : *kiss him* I did~

Shu : You *other*uc***!

Free : *holds valt's ears* sheeh language bunny.

Shu : *face palm* I'm going to my room and you lui stay the freak away.

Lui : *innocently smiles* Yes, roger!

A few minutes later...

Shu : *came out of his shower* geez can't get the thought off!! (Having a love life with his lui~)

Lui : Hey babe~ *dat smirk*

Shu : E-Ekk!!?

Lui : *pulls Shu* let's sleep~

Shu : *groans and agrees anyway* Fine but no touch.

Lui : *hugs him* Goodnight bunny~

Meanwhile outside...

Valt : I want Shu and Lui!!!!

Free : *shows beybread* who wants this?~

Valt : *drools* Me! Me!! Me!!

Free : Good boy gets reward.

Valt : Marry me!!

Free : Damn yeah. *gives him the beybread* let's go marry.

Valt : Yeah *num num*

Zoey : Since when did I start shipping fralt a way too much- who cares -w- I love all four anyway.

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