Sigh, Murder, Smooch

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Shu : *sigh for the twentieth time*

Lui : Tch. Stop sighing. You're going to cause an earth quake

Shu : *sighs again*

Free : Shu, is everything okay?

Shu : *sighs, completely ignoring others*

Valt : Okay I'm actually worried now. Shu let's take you to the doctor! *Pulls Shu*

Shu : Let go of me, Valt.

Valt : What's wrong?! You have been sighing!

Shu : *sigh* Its nothing. Don't mind me.

Lui : I know what he needs now. *Gets behind the albino, with a smirk*

Free : Why do I have a bad feeling about it.

Valt : What are you going to do to my Shu?! *Hugs Shu protectively*

Meanwhile Shu : *sat like a sad bunny with a straight face*......

Lui : Wrong! Our Shu, Valty.

Free : What are you doing Lui?

Lui : Obviously gonna cheer up snowflake, what does it looks like to you?

Free : I doubt it. *Looking at Lui, suspiciously* you look like you're gonna pull a murder.

Valt : Nuuu! I won't let you murder my Shu!! Hisss!! *Acts like a mad kitty*

Lui : I told you, it's our Shu!

Valt : No! He's mine, entirely. Every part of his being is mine! I'm not gonna share my Shu with anyone!

Free : Ouch. That hurts you know Valty.

Valt : You two did something that's why Shu's sad!

Free : I'm innocent! I did not associate with Lui, at all.

Lui : Hey, you literally pulled me out for a bloody murder, last night.

Free : That was in the past.

Lui : Its only yesterday!

Free : Doesn't matter. It's still in the past.

Valt : Who did you killed?!?

Lui : That neighbour guy. Who's been stalking Shu.

Valt : Shit whaddya say?! I'm gonna make him pay!

Free : Too late.

Lui : Dummy *flicks Valt's forehead*

Valt : Ow- *dramatic fall*

Lui : My pretty princess has fallen, oh no. *Pretends to be a dramatic love sick prince* I'll catch you fallen angel~

Valt : No! You cheated on me with that boy *points at Free*

Free : *points at himself* Who? Me? *Blinks*

Lui : That's not so true, darling. We needed to protect our kingdom so, I had no choice but to pull out an act. My love for you is irreplaceable!

Valt : Prove me *gives a sword* show me your true love!

Free : I cleaned that carpet recently, shed a single drop of blood, you're dead.

Lui : *shoves the toy sword into his chest, falls to his knees* See, my love~ I'll move the mountains for you~

Free : You can't even move a boulder *jealous Free noises*

Lui : *ignores Free*  I'll drain the seas for you, my love~

Valt : Then what will my dolphins do?! Don't drain the seas!

Lui : *pulls Valt's hand close to his lips* Tell me love what do you want?~

Valt : *thinks* I want a pillow fortress and super cute golden dragon guarding it and a beautiful Shu to marry me!

Lui : Won't you marry me, princess?

Valt : I'll marry you as a friend

Free : Pfft. Serves you right.

Lui : *stands on his feet* Then I shall steal your Shu and make him mine!

Valt : Oh no you can't! Shu has already married me! We are expecting a baby!

Free : Virgins talking shit.

Lui : Say for yourself. *Turns to princess Valt* Doesn't matter, I'll make him mine soon!

Lualt : *being over dramatic about things that doesn't even exist* *pulls Shu like tug of the war*

Valt : Boy! Help me! *Asking Free to help him*

Lui : Don't you dare, Boy!

Free : I have a goddamn name

Shu : Don't annoy me! *Gets out of their grip* 💢💢 *bonk* *bonk* *bonk*

A few moments later.....

Free : *rubs his aching head* I did nothing and yet I got punished?!

Shu : Shut up! Utter a word and I'm gonna use this on you! *Shows the duct tape*

Lui : *already has a duct tape on* Mph! (Oii) 💢

Valt : *same as Lui, but with teary eyes* mwhhpph! (Sowwwy)

Free : *zips his mouth shut* ....

Shu : I was already having a great headache because of yesterday's event! And you three are annoying me like there's no end! Do you know how hard it is to deal with the cops?!?!?!! What if they find out you two murdered that creep!?!! Haahh?!!

Lui : *shows a paper board* "Zoey will accept her fault and admits her crime."

Valt : Mphmp!!!? (What?!)

Free : *thumbs up* good work Lui *whispers*

Lui : *proud* heh.


Shu : Calm down. I dealt with them already. But if you two go around murdering people then I'll kill you myself!

Lui : *shows another sign board* "That rule doesn't apply when it's a stalker or creep that annoys my love" hmph. (Right.)

Shu : *sighs* Ignore him. Free go take Bluebell and Valt for a walk.

Free : Roger. *Stands up quickly, picking Valty up and taking the dog to the park*

Valt : Mohm! (Bye!)

Free : Shh.

Valt : *nods his head cutely*

Zoey : So what now?

Shu : Lui's going to write discipline letter.

Lui : mhp. (Nope.)

Shu : Right Lui kun? *In that deadly tone, runn!*

Two hours later....

Lui : Fuck. Fuck. Why the fuck am I doing this. Shit. *Constantly curses while writing the discipline letter*

Shu : *supervises Lui shirosagi, while knitting a scarf, quietly* Hey, you could say I was the angel to your demon.

Lui : I could, but I won’t. You’re just as rotten as me.

Shu : Fair enough. *Sighs*

Lui : I'm seriously gonna shut you up with smooches, If you sigh again!

Shu : I dare you.

Lui : You are bold.

Shu : Of course, then how to do you expect I cope with you guys?

Lui : Fair enough. *Smooch the albino bunny softly*

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