Babysitter Lui

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Lui : *comes back from his training island* I'm home.


Lui : Huh? Shu? Valt? Free? *Walks into the living room* What the hell?

Three adorable toddlers : *giggling*

Lui : Bluebell, what in the world did you bring this time? Who's babies are these?

Bluebell (their pet dog) : *innocently tilts her head* woof! *Excited to see Lui* woof! Woof!

Lui : Jesus. How many times I told you not to bring things home with you? Look at you, you brought three kids?! *Scolding the dog* no treat for you.

The dog : *whines sadly* woof..

Lui : Hm? *Feels a tiny hand grabbing his sleeve* This kid looks a lot like Valt.

Baby Shu : *pulls baby Free's cheek* baaa

Lui : *stare* Hold on a damn second- *looks at the other two familiar kids* Shu! Free! And you Valt?

The trio : *giggles*

Shu : *pulls the dog's tail* gah... He he..

Free : *tossing the rabbit doll around because he's bored*  ̄ヘ ̄

Valt : *wants a Upsy Daisy* hah ba ba!

Lui : Hm? *Picks the bluenette up* What the hell happened to you guys?

Valt : *grabs Lui's nose* hehehe...

Lui : Oi stop it or I'll drop you *glare*

Shu : *reaches for Free's rabbit doll* wah

Free : *doesn't want to share his doll* *turns around and continue torturing *ahem* tossing the doll* Hmph

Shu : *pouts* *looks around and grab a magazine* hmph *threw it at Free*

Lui : Shu! Don't throw stuff at Free!

Free : *angry deer noises* *pulls Shu's hair*

Lui : Oi!! Free you can't pull his hair like that!! Dammit

Both of them : *hurting each other in a brat way* gahh!! *Starts crying*

Lui : Oii!! Pipe down brats!!

Valt : *seeing them crying he cries as well* wahhhh

The dog : *howls joining them in sad vibe*

Lui : *left eye twitching* Urusai *so done with kids crying*

A few minutes later...

Lui : *sigh* Now eat this and shut up. I'm gonna go make a call.

Shu, Valt, Free : *chewing cookies*

Bluebell : *gnawing the chewable bone*

Lui : Hello?

Fubuki : Yes? Lui san how are you?

Lui : I'm good, something came up.

Fubuki : Eh? What is it?

Lui : Shu, Valt, Free turned into toddlers and I can't babysit them

Fubuki : Oh no! They became what now?

Suoh : What's wrong? Is that Lui?

Fubuki : Yeah. Um Lui san is there any way to change them back to normal?

Lui : I dunno. But you and the others go find a solution. Meanwhile I'll take care them.

Fubuki : Okay! I'll do my best.

Lui : *puts his phone down and returns back to the living room* HOLY FUCK!!?

Valt : *climbing on the balcony railing*

Free : *nibbling on the plant's leave while playing with the dirt*

Shu : *riding on bluebell like a cowboy*

Lui : *dashes to the balcony, grabbing Valt off the railing* Gotcha! No bluebell stop, SHU!! *chases after the overwhelmed dog, rescued baby Shu* FREE DON'T EAT SHIT!!! *Pulled the baby free up from the dirt*

Another few minutes later....

Lui : *sighed inwardly* That's it. You three stay there.

Le babies : *inside the cradle* *doing something innocently* guu... bwaa... 

Lui : *puts the leash on the dog and takes it to the other room* bad girl.

Le doggo : *sad puppy noises*

Sometime later.....

Lui : Finally they slept for god's sake. *Leans on the chair and tries to get some rest*

Baby Shu : *grabs Valt's hair in his sleep*

Baby Valt : *crying* Waaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

Lui : What the heck?! What now?! *Panic mom mode* Shu!! Don't pull his hair *tries to uncurl his small hand*

Baby Shu : *crying* uwaaahhh...!!!! *Kicks his legs*

Baby Free : *get kicked on the face-* *crying time* gaaaaahhhh!


A Week later....

Valt : Oh! So this is what happened huh?

Shu : I mean... That's really sad but can't believe Lui patiently took care of us.

Free : So this clearly suggests that Lui can be a mom in the future.

Fubuki : I don't think Lui san will like the sound of it.... *Sweat drop*

Valt : Eh? Speaks of him where's Lui by the way?

With Lui.....

Lui : *laying on his bed with ice bag on his head, looking pale and sick* Kids, My ass. I ain't coming out for another week. *Grumbling*

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