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ALEX VREEKE, age 12, was sitting in his room listening to Metallica when his father knocked on his bedroom door.

"Cool, you're awake. I wanna show you something." Mr. Vreeke handed a plastic bag over to his son, and then closed the door.

In the plastic bag, was a box with the word Jumanji designed into the box. The lid of the box opened, revealing a board with multiple squares, which were for the players to land on.

"Seriously? Who plays board games anymore?" Alex sighed, putting the box on top of his dresser. He went back to listening to his music and started to play a random video game that was already on screen.

LATER THAT NIGHT, while Alex was sleeping, a green blinding light came from the box on his dresser, which was now covered in the clutter from his day.

The green light woke Alex up, and then repetitive drums came from the box.

He removed the clutter from on top of the box and then opened it. Inside, was the game he had seen before, but now it was in video game form for the console he had.

He let out a small smile, before grabbing the game, and inserting it into his console.

After that, Alex Vreeke was known as the kid who went missing in Brantford, New Hampshire.


RAE BENNETT was awoken from her slumber with the rapid banging on her door.

Her brother, Jacob, barged in without thinking twice.

"Dude, what the hell? I was sleeping." Rae complained, covering her head with her blanket.

"You got school dumbass. Mom and dad already left. They want me to drop you off at school before I drop Aiden off." Jacob said pulling her from her bed.

"It's Friday. Do I have to go to school?" Rae questioned, ready to fall back to sleep.

"Yes. You do. And remember, you have to walk home today. I'll be at work until seven, and dad has a double shift. Mom is going to the store when she gets out, so she won't be home until after five. So remember to bring your key." Jacob said, and closed the door behind him.

Rae groaned loudly and then trudged her way over to her dresser. She grabbed clean pieces of clothes and threw them on.

She made her way downstairs, to where her brothers were sitting in the living room

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She made her way downstairs, to where her brothers were sitting in the living room.

"Finally, are you ready?" Jacob questioned, standing up to grab his keys.

"I guess so. Not like I have a choice." Rae sighed and followed her brothers out to Jacob's car.

AS THEY WERE DRIVING, they had passed the house that was deemed 'freak house' because of how unkempt the yard was.

No one knew what happened, but the youngest Vreeke had gone missing in 2012. The police had redeemed it a runaway, and they dropped the case.

Old man Vreeke had lived there alone, as his wife had 'gone insane' as Jacob put it, and also ran away.

There were still missing person posters around Brantford of the youngest Vreeke but to no avail, he never showed up after five years.

If Rae did some math, the vreeke boy would be around her age. Meaning he would be in her grade. She's never seen him around the school but has seen him once or twice down by the skate park with a couple of his buddies.

When Jacob pulled up to the school, Rae sighed and got out of the car. She walked into the building, and straight to her class. Purposely forgetting all of her belongings in her locker.


IT WAS LUNCHTIME and that meant Rae was to sit alone at a table for fifteen to thirty minutes before the next class.

A bunch of boys from the basketball team made their way over, to sit with the girl. She glanced up from her tray of untouched food, to only see the basketball captain and his goons.

"Hey hey, it's the suicide squad minus the squad. Why don't you show us your wrists, cutting board?" Chad nudged Rae with his grimy hands.

"If you paid more attention to your surroundings, my sleeves are already up. Sometimes I wonder if you just have a fat little hamster roaming around in your brain, and every now and again, it gets on a wheel for it to work. Or are you just stupid?" Rae snapped back, almost immediately.

"She got you there, C." One of the goons laughed, making the others laugh too.

"Listen here, you bitch." Chad stood up, pulling Rae along with him. "I've had enough of your shit."

"What are you gonna do? Hit me? I fucking dare you." She said, getting into his face. With one swift move, Chad through the first punch. Rae fell to the ground, holding her jaw closed.

Now with different people, it triggers the fight or flight mode. With Rae, it triggered the fight mode. She jumped up to throw a bunch back at Chad.

"Rae Bennett! Chad Brock! My office, immediately!" The principal, Mr. Bentley yelled across the lunchroom, making the entire place quiet down.

Lurking in the lunchroom, were the people she would soon meet.

"MS. BENNETT, accusing Mr. Brock will be a terrible thing for his portfolio, as for yours. You have a suspension and detention record longer than the Nile River. Mr. Brock, I'm giving you three days of in-house suspension. Ms. Bennett, you have detention for a week after school." Mr. Bentley said and dismissed the both of them.

Rae walked to her final class of the day which was English, to which they were working with a partner for a project. She sat down at her desk alongside Anthony Johnson, or as people call him, Fridge.

He was a pretty popular guy. He was on the football team. All the girls loved him.

Rae didn't mind him. He wasn't like the annoying jocks. He was just a normal jock.

"That was a badass punch you threw earlier." Fridge walked up to the girl, to put his stuff next to hers.

"Huh?" Rae looked up to the tall football player.

"In the lunchroom. With Chad." Fridge smiled, taking a seat next to her. Rae felt a small smile rig to her lips, before getting the project out.

"Thanks. I don't think anyone has complimented me on my punches." Rae explained, making Fridge laugh. "Bentley gave me a week's worth of detention for it though."

"Well, I'll see you in there. I had Spencer Gilpin write my history essay, and he used his own from last year." Fridge explained.

The two worked on the project a little before the bell rang for people to go home. But not Rae.

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