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"SO THERE'S GOTTA BE A WAY TO ACCESS OUR..." Spencer started, and pressed his left pec, making a screen pop out next to him.

"What did you just do?' Fridge asked.

"Strengths: Fearless, Climbing, Speed, Boomerang, Smoldering Intensity," Spencer spoke, and then smoldered.

"What the hell are you doing?" Fridge questioned

"What just happened?" Spencer scanned his body.

"Oh god, please never do that again." Rae scolded.

"Uhm, you just smoldered," Bethany smirked, biting her bottom lip.

"Weakness: None." Spencer finished.

"How'd you do that? That, that list?" Martha looked at Spencer.

"Well, I just.. I, I think I just pressed my, my enormous left pec," Spencer explained.

"It's like the boob area. Let me show you." Fridge tried to walk over with his hand reached out, but was denied by Martha.

"Get away from me." Martha swatted his hand away.

"At least press it in front of us, so we know exactly how." Fridge said, and Martha's strengths and weaknesses list popped up.

"Strengths: Karate, T'ai chi, Aikido, Dance fighting? Dance fighting? Is that even a... a thing?" Martha asked. "Weakness: Venom."

Rae pressed her left upper chest, making a colored strengths and weaknesses panel pop up. "Okay, I have a storybook of strengths and weaknesses. Strengths: Speed, Medic, aichmomaniac, Seaplane McDonough, isn't that the other character? Weaknesses: Seaplane McDonough, why is he a strength and a weakness? Water. Wonderful. I can't go in the water while we're in the jungle."

"Maybe yours and Seaplane's character are in love!" Bethany Squealed.

"Doubt it," Rae muttered.

"Seriously? Paleontology. What does that even mean?" Bethany pressed her upper chest.

"Study of fossils," Rae explained.

"That's kind of cool." Martha tried to cheer.

"Says the gorgeous karate badass standing next to the equally gorgeous medic with a pilot romantic interest, to the old fossil guy who doesn't have any endurance." Bethany sighed.

"I hate this game." Fridge said, making them all turn towards him.

"Weakness: Cake." Martha read.

"Yes, cake is my weakness. Along with speed and strength. Strength is my weakness. Hey, can I? Quick question. How is strength my weakness? Somebody explain it to me." Fridge rambled. "And why would I need speed? Why would I need to be fast when I'm being chased by an enormous killed zebra or some shit in this dumb ass hat?"

"You're also a good weapons valet." Martha brought up.

"What does that mean?" Fridge asked.

"Well, I think it means you carry my weapons in your backpack and you give them to me when and if I need them? You might even carry Rae's weapons too." Spencer explained.

"You guys, the map. It's changing." Bethany said, and they all gathered around her.

"What do you mean?" Martha questioned.

"What's it say?" Spencer asked.

"Okay, well, there's not a lot of information, but a minute ago, it didn't say this, and now it does. It says, The Mighty Roar." Bethany read, and then drums started, signaling something was going to happen.

'"I don't like that. I'm done." Fridge looked around.

"What else?" Rae asked.

"Okay, and right here, it says From The Deep." Bethany read.

"The hippo came from the deep. The one that..." Spencer started, but Bethany stopped him.

"Yes. The thing that did the thing. That's it. Moving on." Bethany shuddered.

"So if From The Deep is the first level, then, then The Mighty Roar is the second level." Rae configured.

"Which way?"

"Okay, if that is that...and that is here... Right here, I think." Bethany looked around, putting clues together. Just as she finished her sentence, a rocket was shot in-between them, exploding in the distance.

"What is this game?" Fridge yelled.

"Run!" Spencer yelled, but then noticed everyone else was already ahead of him. "Wait!"

As the group ran, Spencer instantly caught up, passing everyone, and got to the edge of the jungle. Next was Rae, and then Martha, and then Bethany, and then Fridge trailing behind. "Come on, legs. Why am I running so slow?!"

"Split up!" Spencer yelled, and they went off into the two teams. Martha, Bethany, and Rae went one way while Spencer and Fridge went the other way.

Rae then got split up from Martha and Bethany, having some of the motorcycle guys follow her. She felt something in her boot, and she stopped behind a tree. She reached into her boot and pulled out a small but very sharp knife.

She whipped it at one of the motorcycle guys, which made them fall off the motorcycle, which knocked into the other guy.

One more motorcycle came barging in, and she pulled another knife from her jacket pocket. After whipping that knife at the guy, it knocked him off the bike, and she ran further into the trees.

She met up with Bethany, Martha, Spencer, and Fridge, who was on Spencer's back, at a ledge leading into the water.

"We have to jump!" Martha yelled as the motorcycle guys came in closer.

"I can't-" Rae started.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"I would rather do anything else but that."

"Jump!" Martha said and then jumped off the cliff.

Bethany reached for Rae's hand, and she practically pulled Rae with her into the water.

After Spencer and Fridge jumped, them, Bethany and Martha had risen from the water.

"I think I'm having a coronary," Spencer complained. "I'm having difficulty breathing. I took in a lot of water."

"Don't you do that again. That was the most humiliating moment of my life." Fridge complained.

"Guys, they got me." Martha breathed heavily, showing that she had an open wound on her chest.

"Where's Rae? She's the medic, she can fix you, Rae-" Bethany started to call out but then noticed that Rae hadn't come out of the water, and Martha had disappeared.

"Is she dead?" Fridge asked. There was a ding from the sky and then Fridge was knocked to the ground from impact. "Get off of my back."

"Are you okay?" Spencer questioned Martha.

"I think so. Where's Rae?" Martha questioned, and then another ding from the sky.

Rae landed next to Bethany perfectly, before letting out a loud cough, and heavy breathing.

"Rae, what the hell happened?" Fridge asked.

"Water is my weakness." Rae breathed. Spencer looked at Martha's wrist, signaling she only had two lives left. 

"That's what I thought. These lines are our lives. Martha got shot, Bethany was eaten by the hippo, and Rae got stuck underwater." Spencer explained, before getting sidetracked by his forearm.

"Guys, I think he's right." Rae agreed.

"Wait, then what happens if we use up all of our lives?" Fridge asked the question everyone was thinking.

"That usually means, Game Over." Rae looked around.

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