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"I THINK SO TOO," Alex said. "I can't wait to get us all home. My mom watches this show, Beverly Hill Nannies, and she makes me watch it with her. It's on every Tuesday."

"Wait. What show?"

"Beverly Hill Nannies?" Alex repeated.

"Alex, what year do you think it is?" Rae asked, having everyone turn towards her.

"Rae, what are you getting at?" Fridge questioned.

"Beverly Hill Nannies only lasted a month or so. One season." Rae explained.

"It's 2012," Alex said.

"Oh no." Fridge realized.

"You're Alex Vreeke, aren't you?" Spencer chimed in.

"Yeah, that's right." Alex looked up.

"Wait a minute, you mean Freak House?" Fridge asked.

"Wait, what are you...what are you guys talking about? How do you know me?" Alex panicked, looking at Rae for answers.

"Alex..." Rae muttered.

"Alex, I don't exactly know how to tell you..." Spencer started.

"You've been in this game for five years!" Fridge announced.

"That's probably not how I would've done it." Spencer sighed.

"What? No. You guys are messing with me, right?" Alex questioned, desperate for answers.

"No, we're not. Alex Vreeke. Everybody in Brantford knows about you. You're the kid that disappeared five years ago." Bethany frowned.

"five years?"

"Yeah. They ended the show your mom watched in August." Rae explained.

"Guys, there she is," Bethany said, having everyone turn their attention towards Martha.

"Hey, we're gonna get you home. Okay?" Rae knelt beside Alex, who was staring at the ground.



"Bethany, what did you tell her to do?" Rae added another question.

"Did she twist her ankle maybe or..." Fridge added.

"She's never flirted before. Give her a break." Bethany cringed as they all watched Martha stalk down to the guards.

"We should go while she has them distracted," Rae said, as the group moved to the fence.

Spencer cut the fence so that everyone could get in, while Rae heard music.

"Oh baby I love you the way every day yeah..."

The group made it to the door, and Spencer kicked it in, making one of the guards turn, but Martha brought his attention back to her.

"Which one, which one, which one?" Spencer muttered to himself, walking into the shed.

"I hate this place." Alex let out a shaky breath.

"Her strength is dance fighting," Bethany said, looking out the window towards Martha.

"Alex, what do you think? What's the move?" Spencer questioned.

"What?" Alex looked at him.

"What do we take?"

"I don't...I don't know, man, okay? I told you, I-" Alex started.

TOGETHER STRONG | JUMANJI • ALEX VREEKE | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now