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IT WAS SUMMERTIME. Schools were out, pools were open, and the air conditioners were on full blast.

Rae was working at her job she got during the holiday break. She works at a nearby garage working on cars.

The garage doors were open, and a fan was on full blast blowing in Rae's face.

Rae's shift was about to be finished when Alex walked in to pick her up.

"Hey," Alex said sitting next to her in the office.

"Hey, you don't have to pick me up every day. I hope you know that." Rae said, leaning back in her chair.

"No, it's nice. Besides, we're hanging out with Spencer, Martha, Bethany, and Fridge later on." Alex explained.

"Oh, are we now?" Rae smirked, before clocking out.

The two walked to Alex's car, and he drove to Rae's house.

"I'm gonna take a quick shower. No one's home, so you can chill in my room if you want." Rae said and grabbed clean clothes from her dresser.

She jumped in and out of the shower and changed into the clothes she grabbed.

She jumped in and out of the shower and changed into the clothes she grabbed

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She got out of the shower and made her way back into her room.

"You look like you have something on your mind." Rae started to dry her hair with a towel.

"Eh, it's nothing," Alex said, sitting up from his laying down position on her bed.

"I don't know, a few months ago you told me that I was easy to talk to." Rae teased, making Alex smile.

"Alright, if you insist," Alex said. "There's this girl-"

"Mr. Alex Vreeke has a crush?!" Rae gasped.

"Hey, hey, I never said that." Alex denied it. Rae looked at him, and he sighed. "There's this girl. She's, she's sweet, funny, and overall amazing. But I have no clue if she likes back, or how to even tell her that I like her."

"How long have you known this girl?" Rae questioned.

"A few months, give or take," Alex answered.

"I say, just go for it. Remember, there's a small chance she could like you too." Rae said and brushed her hair.

"Alright," Alex said and looked up at her. "Rae, I like you."

"What?" Rae turned around, and Alex stood up. "I'm the girl?"

"Yeah. You're the girl. I like you." Alex said and grabbed Rae's hand. She intertwined her fingers with him and showed him a small smile.

"I like you too." She muttered before Alex pushed his forehead onto hers. She looked up to him and glanced down at his lips.

"Can I kiss you, Rae?" Alex asked, and Rae nodded. He pushed his lips onto hers, and she kissed back. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

The two pulled away, both blushing and smiling. Rae's bedroom door opened, and Alex stepped back away from her.

"Dad? What are you going home so early?" Rae questioned him.

"Don't worry about it." He answered, and looked over at Alex. "I want this door open when he's here, got it?"

"Yeah, sure. We were just leaving now." Rae said and grabbed Alex's hand and walked out of the house.

RAE AND ALEX met Martha, Bethany, Fridge, and Spencer at Nora's, a local diner.

"Hey! There they are." Bethany smiled, setting her menu down.

"Sorry, I got out of work late." Rae lied and sat down between Bethany and Alex.

"It's okay. Besides, some of us have news for all of the others." Spencer said, making everyone look at him. "I'll go first. I'm going to New York for college."

"No way! That's great!" Rae smiled.

"I also have news. My parents and I are gonna travel the world, and go to different countries, and help the ones with the need of help." Bethany smiled.

"Uhm, I'm going to college, but that's nothing special. It'll be close by, just not in New Hampshire." Martha smiled.

"I'm staying local for classes, and all of that." Fridge said.

Rae looked over at Alex, who whispered in her ear, "Should we tell them?"

Rae nodded and grabbed his hand under the table.

"Rae and I have something to tell you guys. She and I are gonna take it slow, but hopefully soon, we'll be together." Alex said, making Rae smile.

"Ah! Finally! I'm so happy for you guys!" Bethany cheered.

Alex rubbed his thumb over Rae's fingers, as the group continued to talk, order food, and then go their separate ways.

"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO FOR COLLEGE?" Rae asked, breaking the silence of the drive back to her house.

"I applied to some places, but was either denied, or put on the waiting list, so I might take a year off. Why?" Alex answered.

"It's just, long-distance doesn't always work for couples and, I want us to work out." Rae worried.

"Hey, when and if we go long distance, we'll make it work. Okay? But we shouldn't worry about that right now. Because now, it's only you and me." Alex said and leaned over to kiss the top of her head.

"Okay. Yeah, you're right. I'm getting worried over something that might not even happen." Rae breathed. "Thank you, for the ride home. And I will see you tomorrow." Rae smiled and pushed her lips onto Alex's.

The two stayed like that for a little bit, before they pulled away.

Rae walked inside and watched as Alex drove away. She walked upstairs to change into more comfortable clothes and laid down on the bed.

I knew you two were gonna get together sooner or later.

Oh did you now?

Yes. So when we hang out next, you owe me all the juicy details. Or you can tell me now over text.

What do you want to know?

Have you two kissed yet?


Who started it?

It was kind of both of us

The conversation went on until almost one in the morning, and then both girls fell asleep.

Jumanji: The next level will be written in this book, but it will take a while for it. So please be patient! :)

TOGETHER STRONG | JUMANJI • ALEX VREEKE | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now