From beast to beauty

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Natalie 's POV
I was laying on my cold hard bed when i heard my cell door open.

"Prisoner 719, face the wall." I got up and did as they told me to. "Hold out your right arm." The guard opened a small black box with 4 silver coloured bracelets in it and pulled one out.

"Why?" I question what would happen if i put this on..So i kicked the guard in the gut, took his tazer and jabbed the other guard with it. I ran out and looked around, guards coming from every which way, i tried to push through but two of the guards grabbed onto my upper arms and turned me to face the direction we were moving.

"Natalie!?" A familiar voice yelled, I looked around to see who it was.


"Finn!" I shook off the guards and ran into my older brothers arms, he hugged me tight enough that I almost couldn't breath. "What's going on?"

"Natalie , we're going to the ground, all 100 of us."

"But, it's not safe.. radiation levels are too high, we'll die!"

A guard grabbed my right arm tightly and clipped on that siver bracelet thing.

The next thing i knew we were on the dropship falling to earth. I looked around and recognized a couple people... Octavia (the girl they found hiding in the floor, arrested for being born.), Finn of course (arrested for an illegal spacewalk, wasting a month of oxygen.) And a couple more I am unsure of what they did to get arrested like Wells Jaha the chancellors son, and Clarke Griffin daughter of the one who got me arrested.

I felt a large jerk then shake of the dropship, people scream (mostly girls). Then chancellor jaha appears on a screen on the wall explaining that were being sent down to the ground because we're expendable or something like that, to be completely honest i really did not listen to a word he said nor did i care. Hearing the click of someones seatbelt, I looked up to see that it was my own rebel brother pulling another idiotic stunt, I say idiotic, but it's actually pretty cool.

"Check it out, your dad floated me after all." Finn said sarcastically to Wells.

"You should strap in before the parachutes launch." Wells suggested.

Two other seatbelts clicked,

"Hey! Stay put if you want to live." Clarke said.

"Hey, your the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." Finn pointed out, talking about Clarke.

"Your the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk." She shot back.

"But it was fun." I couldnt help but laugh. "I'm Finn."

The two boys then joined Finn in his act of genius.

"Stay in your seats!" Clarke demanded.

The parachutes then launched, taking the two boys and Finn and flying them across the ship.

"Finn are you okay?!" Clarke asked.

Evryone started screaming, lights started flashing, sparks came from the ceiling, everything was shaking, then it all stopped, no machines were on the engine stopped... complete silence. The seatbelts unbuckled themselves and everyone got out of their seats.

Clarke walked over to one of the boys who was floating with Finn to check if he was alive....he wasn't.

"Is he breathing?" Clarke asked Finn.

He didnt actually say a word but his face said no.

"Hey, just back it up guys!" Someone yelled from below as we made out way down to the bottom level.

He then went to open the dropship door, but Clarke spoke up before he could. "Stop! The air could be toxic."

"If the air is toxic we're all dead anyway."

He had a point to be honest.

"Bellamy?" A girl (Octavia) who was standing on something to look over the crowd of people walked up to the guy who was about to open the door.. i guess his name is Bellamy..

"That's the girl that hid under the floor." Someone in the crowd said.

I knew it was Octavia after they said that and when i first saw her.

"My god, look how big you are." Bellamy said before she hugged him.

She exited the hug and looked at his outfit. "What the hell are you wearing, a guards uniform?"

"I borrowed it, to get on the drop ship, someones gotta keep an eye on you." She brought him into yet another hug.

"Where's you wristband?" Clarke asked, ruining the moment.

"Do you mind, i haven't seen my brother in a year." Octavia gave Clarke a death stare and turned around.

"Noone has a brother." "That's Octavia Blake the girl they found hidden in the floor." Some people in the crowd of people said.

Octavia tried to lunge forward but Bellamy held her back saying. "Octavia, Octavia, no! Lets give them something else to remember you by."

"Yeah, like what?"

"Being the first person to walk on the ground in a hundred years."

She looked a Bellamy, smiled, the nodded. Bellamy turned towards the lever to open up the door, put his hand on it and pulled it down. Clarke had a very concerned look on her face, but really i could care less about what she thinks I want to live an be free. The door slowly opened with a huge gust of air blowing my long carmel hair out of my face, it was bright at first but after our eyes adjusted it was beautiful, the trees, the grass, beautiful. Octavia slowly moved her way down the ramp to the edge, she jumped to the ground, took a deep breath, and yelled "We're back bitches!"

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