Off to save goggles.

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Natalie's POV

As i walked into the drop ship from outside, Clarke had just said some thing to Finn.

"Im not going anywhere, and neither should you, that spear was thrown with pin point accuracy from 300 ft." Finn replied

"So what we let Jasper die?" Monty was worried, you could tell by the tremble of his voice.

"That's not going to happen." Clarke reassured Monty, then looked at my brother. "Space walker? What a joke. You act like such an adventurer when your really just a coward."

"It's not an adventure Clarke it's a suicide mission." Finn stared at Clarke, she shook her head.

"Well, I'm going, just let me grab a few things and I'll be right there." I looked at Clarke then looked at my brother, Clarke nodded to me then walked out of the dropship.

"You're not going anywhere after last night." Finn grabbed my arm, when he let go there were red marks on my skin.

"I'm fine. Trust me Finn, I'm perfectly fine." He was looking down so i squated down and looked up at him. "You do trust me, right." He nodded and I ran to catch up with Clarke, when i did she was making her way to Octavia and Bellamy.

"Ah." Octavia whimpered in pain.

"What was it?" Bellamy asked cleaning the wound from the creature in the river.

"I dont know." She was tightly grabbing on to a cloth that was laying beside her. "The others said it looked like a giant snake."

"You could've been killed."

"She would've been if Jasper didn't jump in to save her." Clarke butted in.

"You guys leaving." Ovtavia said getting up. "I'm coming too."

"No, no, no way, not again." Bellamy sat her back down.

"He's right." Clarke motioned to Bellamy. "Your leg will just slow us down, I'm actually here for you."

"Clarke what are you doing." Wells asked.

"I hear you have a gun." Bellamy pulled up his shirt to reveal the gun tucked inside his pants. God damn. "Good, follow me."

"And, why would i do that." Bellamy turned to face Clarke.

She walked up to him, and whispered, nodding to the camp. "Because, you want them, to follow you. And right now their thinking only one of us is scared."

"Murphy, come with me." Bellamy turned to the camp. "Atom, my sister doesn't leave this camp, is that clear."

"I dont need a babysitter." Octavia said getting up.

Bellamy leaned closer to Atom. "Anyone touches her , they answer to me... let's go Murphy. "

We walked into the forest, making our way down a hill Murphy started to talk. "Since when are we in the rescuing business."

"The ark thinks the prince is dead, once they think the princess is dead, they'll never come down." Bellamy replied. "I'm getting that wristband, even if i have to cut off her hand to do it."

"I can help with that." I said making my way beside Bellamy.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side of the path, Murphy kept walking. "What are you doing here, especially after last night?"

Why is he so concerned for me?

"I cried, that doesn't make me any less strong." I looked him in the eyes, then nodded to Clarke and Wells. "Now come on."

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