Ready to have a little fun!

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Natalie's POV

As I walked off of the dropship I saw Clarke walk into the woods with a map in hand. 'Whatever' i thought.I looked around for my brother, when i saw him he was leaning up against the dropship. "Finn."

"Hey. Nat." He hugged me tight and didn't  let go until i told him i couldn't breathe. "Oh, haha, sorry."

"I've  missed you." I said.

"I've missed you too." He said. "Look, I've  gotta go take a look around but I'll  talk to you later okay."

"Okay." I said as he walked into the forest in the same direction as Clarke.

I walked around a bit but got bored when i couldnt do anything besides that, so i walked over to a group of guys to see what they were up too.
"Hey, guys."

They all stopped talking and turned to look at me. "Can we help you?"
One of them asked.

"What you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing some 16 year old girl could do, that's for sure."

"Really, well, care to make a bet, bitch."

"Oohoh." The rest of the guys laughed.


"So, tell me what your doing."

"We're sharpening knives, making fires and you, well you can go and get a little manicure."

"I'm good without a manicure, I'd rather sharpen some knives." I sat down next to the guy I'd just been talking to and picked up a peice of scrap metal and a knife and started to sharpen.

Clarke and finn came back and went their separate ways, Clarke took out that map of hers and set it down on the ramp of the dropship and started writing on it, Wells walked up and they started talking i moved closer so that i could possibly find out what they were saying, just as i got close enough some guy with goggles- i think his name is jasper- walked up to them and started to talk to them, luckily i was close enough to hear what he has to say. "Ah cool, a map,  can i get a bar in this town I'll buy you a beer, heh."

"You mind?" Wells took a step to wards him.

"Oh, hey hey hey." Wells turned around to see who was talking, it was this really attractive guy with these eyes that made you feel adventurous. "He's with us."

"Relax, we're just trying to figure out where we are." Wells said.

"We're on the ground, that not good enough for you." Bellamy questioned, my god he's hot.

"We need to get to mount weather, you heard my fathers message, that has to be out first priority."

"Screw you father." I said.

"What you think your in charge here, you, and your little princess." Octavia asked, i really want to be her friend.

Clarke stared at her. "Do you think we care who's in charge, we need to get to mount weather, not because the chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be, how long do you think we'll  last without those supplies, we're looking at a 20 mile trek, okay? So if we wanna get there before dark, we need to leave... Now."

Bellamy looked straight back at her and Wells. "I got a better idea, you two go, find it for us, let the privileged do the hard work for a change!"

"Yeah!" Everyone else yelled.

"Your not listening, we all need to go." Wells explained.

"Oh look at this everybody, the chancellor of earth." The guy from earlier with the eyes said. Some people laughed.

"You think thats funny?" Wells asked.

Adventurous eyes then kicked Wells in the leg, causing him to fall to the ground.  "Wells." Clarke step forward but one of the adventurous eyes boys held her back.

"No, but that was." Adventure eyes said.

Wells picked himself up, with one good leg.


Wells go ready to fight, putting his fists in the air and planting his footing. -I'll just call him adveyes, until i find out his name- acted like he was going to hit wells but backed up before wells could get a hit in.

The next thing i knew, Finn jumped down from the dropship, confusing adveyes, making him look up to see where he came from. "Kids got one leg, how 'bout you wait till is a fair fight."

Octavia walked up to my brother. "Hey spacewalker, rescue me next."

Adveyes walked away with his boys not looking back.
I stood up against a tree as Finn walked up to Clarke and asked." So mount weather, when do we leave."

Clarke looked away from Wells to my brother. "Right now." She looked back to Wells. "Look, we'll be back tomorrow with food."

"How are you two gonna carry enough food for a hundred?" Wells asked.

Finn turned around and grabbed the shoulders of jasper and monty, and tapped jasper on the shoulder. "Four of us, can we go now?"

"Sounds like a party, make that five." Octavia said walking up to the group, her brother following not too far behind her.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Bellamy asked.

"Going for a walk."

"Go on."

"Make that six." I said walking away from the tree, to beside my brother.

Finn started to walk towards the woods, jasper following,  monty behind him, octavia behind him and me behind octavia, clarke stayed back for a second to talk to wells. "You shouldn't have come here Wells." Is what i think she said.

Clarke caught up with me and octavia.

"Before you get any ideas, Finn's mine." Octavia said to Clarke.

"Um, no he's not..." I looked at her with a 'i want to be your friend, but you think my brothers hot' face.

"Before you get any ideas, i dont care." Clarke replied to octavia.

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