2. First Date *Hard Decision*

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Sunday 9 am we met again....
We breakfast together, walk around, lunch, coffee, until dinner time.

We enjoy our dinner near the beach and suddently he said want to talk serious about something.
Ed : Do you have someone special? Or in relationship with someone?

Zoey : No !! Why???

Ed : Will you Marry me??? For 1 year

Zoey : Whaattt??? What do you mean? *she's shock*

Ed : Please don't mad.. i'll explain.
You nice women and i dont want to do something bad to you. I just want you to help me. Plea..... *she cut*

Zoey : No thanks!!! I'll go home with taxi... good ni.... *edward hold my wrist*

Ed : Please listen to me... i'll explain everything. *he told his true story*
" Actually i came here for looking someone who want to marry contract with me, i'll pay 1 Million USD for someone want to married with me for 1 year contract. My Granpa force me to married as soon as possible, because if i didn't married someone this year he will donate all his money and business to orphanage or others. My parents is passed away since i was kids, so my grandpa is only one of my family. He said he old already he want to see me to have family and kids. But im not interest, i still want to having fun to be a single. But i dont want to make him sad and give all his money to others people. So please help me.. you the one i'm looking for, you are nice women with beautiful heart and honest, im sure you also want to make your parents and your family happy also right?? Because you said they want you to marry soon. Please think about this..
It's only 1 year and then we can divorce. We will stay somewhere bit far from here so nobody know our real life.

Zoey : *Speechless.....* I dont know how to answer you, i never though something like this.

Ed : I know... i'll give you time to think. But i hope i get good news from you.
I'll stay here until tuesday night. I need your answer before tuesday 6 pm, because my flight is around 8.30 pm so i have time to talk to you about this contract. Please contact me anytime if you have the decision.

Zoey : *Just silent*

They driving home and nobody talk inside the car until they reach the meeting point. Zoey go out from car and say good bye.... Ed just looking to her,say bye and thanks for today but Zoey just go without looking back to him.

After arrived his house Zoey was think hard about offer from Edward. He think or maybe hope thats guy really interest or love her for real but... its just for business purpose *she laugh her self, she think she is so silly,stupid and desperate women* until she sleep because to tired.

Time skip... its been 2 days...
Today is Tuesday 12 pm, Edward didn't get any text or answer from Zoey, so he text her to asking.
Ed : Hi... how are you? Have you think about my offer? Please text me.. i'll respect your decision. Thanks

After 1 hour Zoey didn't reply yet, until 3 pm finally she replied " Let's talk and meet at Cafe near here at 4 pm"

4 pm they meet in the cafe what Zoey said to meet him. Edward came first, he waiting for Zoey until 4.15 pm and finally Zoey come.
Ed : Hi... have a sit, do you want to eat or drink something? * he call waitres*

Zoey : Just Ice Cappucino with less ice. Thanks

Ed : So how ??

Zoey : Emmm.... can you at least let me drink first ???!!! * with cold response*

Ed : Oh..okay..sorry...

Finally their order coming, after the waitres go they start talking about the Married Contract.

Zoey : I have think and my decision is.... Okay i'll take your offer but i have term and condition to put in the contract.

Ed : *He smile and looks very happy* Thank you for take this offer, i promise to make sure you never dissapointed with this offer. Ok you can make a list and i'll take a not and ask my lawyer to put your term condition inside our contract when i'm comeback to SG. After the draft ready i'll send to you first so you can check. So what your term and condition??

Zoey : 1. You should meet my family and ask permission to marry me, tell them you just want simple wedding and legal married and cannot leave your work roo long or said have urgent things, because i'm only daughter at my family i dont want they have big party and break their heart after 1 year.
2. No sex
3. Pay me 50% after i sign contract and 50% after the contract finish, and during our married contract my daily expensess is your responsibility because you said we will live at SG, so i dont want spent alot money use my payment 🙄
4. Need to respect each others and dont disturb each others personal life.
I think just that my concern.

Ed : Okay i'm agree with everything you want. No worries ... i'll give you credit card for monthly expenses with limits 100,000 SGD 😉. My concern.. we need pretend as husband and wife outside mostly infront my grandpa and we have private life at home and this is only secret about us, and my lawyer.
I'll ask my lawyer to prepare the contract and i'll comeback here as soon as posible.

Zoey : Okay.... *bit smile, was thinking about everything, is it good decision for me??!!*

After done talking until 5.30 pm they said good bye.

Edward really happy, he go back to SG and ask his lawyer to prepare everything about the contract.

Zoey think this is the best decision for her to make her family happy and less stress for her because no body will keep asking when you will married and bla..bla..bla.... 🙄

To Be continue......

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