18. Limited Time (M)

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After they back to SG everything doing good and they spend more time together.

*Daniel pov
Mylo now is 9 months, he start crawling everywhere and i really enjoy to be a father and husband. I'm so grateful God give me chance to feel this.

I love them so much...maybe more than my life, but i know i dont have much time to do this, i'll make sure my family is happy and i have settle everything about my business to Mylo as my heirs under her Mom control until he is ready to take care our business.

I make every her dream come true while i'm alive, we go to Makkah will all family, we travel everywhere with our baby, we make Foundation under our name for helping people who need help, teach her to start join the share holder meeting. I don't want she is to busy, so she just need attend the share holder meeting at least 2x a year in every company and check the final report from accounting about our profit. I have so many business to handle so i ask my assistant Helen and her PA Jenifer to help in the future.

One day we travel to South Korea to attend share holder yearly meeting in 1 of big entertainment company. After finish the meeting we direct flight to London for another meeting but suddently my wife pass out. I think she is too tired, but i saw her bleeding down there, i'm panic and bring her to hospital. Luckily Mylo take care by my aunty and Meri.

Arrived hospital the doctor bring to ICU. And after checking the doctor info,
Your wife is pregnant but the condition is not good, the baby is not health so she almost misscariage but if keep this baby your wife will be strugle and maybe need to bedrest for long time.

Whattt?? But how... ??? She said use IUD and i'm not healthy so doctor said almost cannot have child.

Are you drink some medicine with high dossis??

Yes i am... do you know Dr Williams? He is my doctor.

Oh yes... He is my senior here.
I'll call him and he can explain to you.

About my wife...please save her. I dont want something happen to her. Please doctor...please... *cry out*

Dr W : Hi... what happen.. Daniel??
Why you here?

My wife...she pass out and she is bleeding..please ...help her....

Okay...okay...calm down Dr. Martin has explain her condition, lets talk in my office.

No Doc i cannot leave my wife alone.

Okay we talk here.... I've told you before almost imposible for you to have child. Because your condition also the medicine you drink for your head. But something like this can happen.. your wife now pregnant about 3 weeks but the baby is not healthy, if we keep the baby she will be in danger because the baby not in the right place. So you need to make decision... i'm sorry about this.

Please help my wife... make sure she is fine. Please doctor....

Okay... we will save your wife. Pray for her and calm down your self...

After 2 hours.....

The surgery done and she is fine now and we will move the patient to room 205 please follow us.

Thank you doctor....

Skip Morning 7 am

I didn't sleep since last night, i want to be first person she saw when she is wake up. Aunty Margaret and Jenifer come to hospital to accompany me.

I open my eyes and feel someone hold my hand, i try to move and look at him.

Hey...you wake up ? How is your feeling now? Jenifer please call the doctor.

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