11. Want to Know More

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*Zoey pov*
Today is thursday is my last day work in the clinic since the permanent staff will combeback to work. I'm happy can help them here and got some experience i never expect. Starting tomorrow i'll be back to my old routine 😊

Skipped next day....
*Daniel pov*
Its friday time to go for check up, i go inside to the clinic and looking around in the receptionist bit i didn't see that pregnant women.
After my check up is done i ask Dr Bryan where is your staff the one pregnant? I didn't see her today.

Dr.Bryan: Ohh...You mean Zoey? Yesterday is her last day work here, because the permanent staff comeback.
You said not interest why keep asking about her? Chase her if like her before someone take her.
She is really wife material bro... you want experience to be husband and father right? think about that...
She might hard to get so you need work hard to get her heart or trust you.

Daniel: Hmmm.... Do i like her? should i try to get her? *thinking*
Okay thanks for your advise. *smirk*

After go home i ask my PA to check everything about her... i want to know more about her and everything about her. And i need to make a move....
Dr Bryan is correct... i have limited time for life, with her i can experience to be husband and father for her baby.

I got her address and almost everyday i walk around her apartment. She is really work hard, she take everyone offer to do freelance job. Sometimes in the flower shop, coffe shop or other place around her apartment. Did she need money for support her life *in my mind*

Skipped Next week...

Its sunday afternoon, i take freelance job at Marrie Flower Shop 2-6 pm because she had dating. I got 50 dolar/hour and fee 10% from my sales.
Im happy with people around here, they help me alot and offer me freelance job when they need someone to help. Yeahh... i have enough money for my needs but i dont want just stay at home its boring.
Hi.. do you have blue rose?

Ohh yeah we have but only left 15 pcs. How much do you want?

I want big bucket, but thats okay please make it nice.

Sure... let me pack for you, wait a moment please.

I'm done pack his flower and give it to him. Its 175$ sir

Here 200$ just take the change for you.

Thank you sir but its to much...

No..no...no...just take it.

I look to him ... and ask.. do we meet before???

Ohh...are you work in the Clinic near here before?

Yeahh... i was work there 1.5 month and finish my job 1 week ago.
*I try to remember him*
Ahhh...i remember you... i bumb with you when i walk in the easle, you always check up every Friday with Dr Bryan, is that right???

Yeahh its me.... *offer to shake hand*
Im Danie... and you?

Im Zoey...

Nice to meet you Zoey, nice name.

Nice to meet you too... thanks.

Okay i'll go now and have a good afternoon.

You too... hopefully your wife like the flower.

Im not yet Married *cold smile* and leave the flower shop.


*Daniel go out and go to his car and he ask his driver to give money to people walk around there but they need buy flower from Zoey shop*

Zoey sale many bucket of flower that day and she get extra payment from Marrie. When she is home she saw flower infront her door, its Blue Rose the one she sale today with notes :

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