Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: A whole new world


The Academy was full once again, it was nice seeing new faces, new royalty, I wondered who would be the ones selected to be in our dorms. The flames of the forest is known for their extreme bravery during war and I was so proud to be the leader. At the academy, you don’t get picked to be the captain, you challenge the old captain, I wasn’t planning on challenging the former captain; prince Phillip, he challenged me and I just couldn’t say no to a duel.

‘Prince Zachary, I wonder who you’re thinking about, I’ve been trying to get your attention’ I looked around to see my sister glaring at me

‘what do you want Penelope?’

‘well have you seen the new intakes, they are so cute’

‘why should I care if they’re cute or not’

‘well, you’re captain, so you have to meet them tonight for the introductory party’

‘is that a must?’

‘yes, tonight party will be formal, I have no idea how’ she said with a frown.

‘Penelope, you look beautiful in a dress’ I said with a smile, she sighed before walking away. I looked back at the picture on the wall, my father and mother were both warriors of the flame, my father was the captain also in his time. Looking at the next picture was Queen Merida of Scotland, the greatest archer in her days. My father always told me the story of the war they had against the Chinese kingdom and during the war, unknown arrows shot at the intruders and they all fell dead and when they looked up, by the mountain top, then, Princess Merida stood courageously on her horse with her bow and arrows. The entire guard were confused how a woman could shoot straight arrows from where she stood killing the Chinese army all by herself and that was how women became warriors. After hearing that story, my sister Penelope had always wanted to be like her, her daughter Princess Bethany was good but nothing like her, Bethany was good with the sword but not with the bows. I was yet to see the person who would be the next queen Mérida. I looked at the big clock down the hall, the new intakes would be at the flames big hall.

I entered the big hall, our head commander was already standing, the flames gave a bow or curtsy as I passed them, giving the head commander a bow before I stood beside him.

‘I welcome you flames of the forest. I also welcome you the new intakes. At the flames, you should know that you will be pushed beyond your limit because the flames are not known for weakness; we stand for STRENGHT! FIRE! BRAVERY! And HONOR! We are flames, we burn the battlefield, I am the flames head, commander Jeffery and this is your captain, His Royal highness, Prince Zachary Windsor. I require loyalty, dedication from all of you and I look forward to working with all of you. Your highness, anything you might want to add?’ I sighed, of course he wanted me to say something

‘Welcome to the academy and also welcome to the flames of the forest new intakes, I look forward to knowing you all. Classes start by 10a.m tomorrow. Dismissed’ everyone bowed or curtsied whatever before leaving. I walked back to my dorm, I was very tired, the journey from England to Ireland was a long one to me.

‘you’re back early’

‘am I supposed to be late for any reason?’

‘nope, just thought you’d be hanging out with the girls you know’

‘shut up Luke’ I said taking off my jacket and changing into more comfortable clothes. This was something I loved about the academy, you could wear whatever you want and not be in a tux or royal coat all day. I could say the same for my best friend Lucas, the to be duke of Sussex of England. He always ran away from his duties and disguised himself I still wonder why he goes through all that trouble just to have fun.

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