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‘Warriors of the academy, I welcome you back to this new semester and I am so proud of the first years because they all passed into their second year, congratulations to the new second years. This year, we have a new student, she was here before under a foreign identity and fought for the kingdom and did us proud, warriors, I give you Her Royal Highness, Princess Fauna Archibald of Scotland’ and everyone clapped as she came forward

‘thank you very much for your kind welcome, people knew me as Aurelia, I am still her, same personality and all, nothing has changed but my name and status and I look forward to working with everyone here’ and everyone clapped again.


Second year is a lot worse than first year, our targets had increased, classes are a lot stressful than first year and our teachers are assholes, but in all, I’m glad I’m here, with my sister, brothers, besties and of course my handsome boyfriend. Zac is so cool.

        I mounted majesty and rode into the forest shooting my arrows, I aimed at a board and shot, an arrow flew past my head landing on a tree, I got down and looked at the arrow then looked around, no one was here, was this a threat or what. I removed the arrow and took a closer look at it. During archery class, we were taught to be able to identify arrows, royal arrows, commander’s arrows or kingdoms arrows but this arrow was different, I looked around one last time wanting to see someone around but there was no one, not even slight footsteps. I withdrew the arrow and mounted majesty and rode back to the academy. I entered my room, stella was reading a book by her bed side

‘hey stella’

‘hey, where have you been?’

‘shooting. Have you ever seen this kind of arrow before’ I said showing her the arrow, she dropped her book and looked at it for a while before shaking her head

‘no, where did you find it’

‘in the forest, someone shot it’


‘this is a new type of arrow and I have to find the owner’ I said and left. I entered the year two common room, the triplets were on the floor beside the window, I sat with them ‘hey guys, I have a problem’

‘what happened’ I showed them the arrow, Stephanie looked up from her book she was reading

‘where did you find this?’ liz said

‘in the woods while I was riding, someone shot it at me’

‘at you? Why would anyone do that?’

‘who would do that’ Claudia said. Stephanie picked up the arrow

‘this is a weird kind of arrow for starters and you said someone shot it at you, then this means only one thing’ I looked the girls

‘something is coming and it is dangerous’


I held the arrow which flew past Luke and I this morning, something dangerous was coming. The arrow wasn’t a normal arrow, that arrow meant danger

‘I found something about weird arrows’ Luke said dropping a book by the table

‘really what did it say?’

‘just four letter words; D-O-O-M’ luke spelt it out

‘I guessed it already, we need to find the archer shooting this arrow, he or she is pretty good’

‘isn’t it too early for another war, don’t they get tired of fighting us’

‘I have no idea but we need to find this person before he or she shoots another one.


‘I’m so glad fauna came back to the academy’

‘me too, she deserves it anyways. Do you know your sister and prince Zachary are dating?’

‘Leona you’re joking right’

‘do I joke about anything. They kissed on the Christmas ball’

‘you saw that or you heard rumors’

‘I saw, people saw, everyone knows but something I overheard was the queen Rebecca telling Zac to marry some girl’

‘but what about he and Fauna?’

‘I dunno, but he refused though, I wonder why she did that to him’

‘me too, I…’

‘Bethany watch out’ Leona said pushing me to the ground, an arrow flew past our heads and stabbed the wall, we got up and walked towards the wall and pulled the arrow out, I gasped and the arrow fell

‘no, it can’t be’

‘why was it shot’ Leona said looking at the arrow

‘something dangerous is coming, we need to find whoever shot this arrow, I just hope we are the first to see it’

‘this is terrible’

‘I know; I have to see my mother’


She sat by her balcony looking through various paper works. The maid entered her room with a tray and set it on the little table beside her

‘your tea, your Majesty’ she looked up

‘thank you. Please tell the king I will be unable to have lunch with him, I’m really occupied with work’

‘yes your Majesty’ the maid replied with a bow and left, she raised the glass, immediately turning around, she caught the arrow, she sighed and looked at the arrow, a smirk formed on her face as she looked towards where the arrow was shot, she dropped the arrow on the table and sipped her tea,

‘you really don’t know when to stop do you, you are yet to know who you’re messing with. You want Merida out of retirement right, she is coming’ she replied getting up, she entered her closet and opened a case, a golden bow and golden arrows laid in the case, she caressed them, taking one of the arrows out, she came back to the balcony, set the arrow on the bow

‘I’m coming to get you Melissa’ she said and fired.

So this is the end of the Warrior Princess. I hope you liked the story so far, I’ll be waiting to see your votes, anyways the next book will be called “THE ARCHER”. I hope to see you there, as for now, it’s good bye and I love you all. Thanks for reading.

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