Chapter 14

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Authors note; it’s nice finally to write Fauna’s point of view, I actually missed her. I want to know from her highnesses side how the academy was, what about you???

Chapter 14:


The competition was a mess. I still wondered who invited mother to it. I sat in my room, lost, sad, I finally understood, a princess couldn’t control her future and that made me cry. I wanted to see Bethany, liz, Claudia, Stephanie, Louisa and even Macbeth. I was locked up in my room like those fairytale princesses who were locked in a tower waiting for their prince charming only my case was different, no prince charming was coming to save me.

‘your highness, your father requests your presence’

‘don’t bother me, tell him I reject his invite’ I said looking back at the woods and the stables, Majesty was back, that was Bethany’s doing, that meant Bethany was here. I left my balcony and went downstairs, she was there with father maybe trying to reason with him

‘father we need her in the army, this is no more your decision, Fauna is leading the army’

‘no she is not. Bethany enough with this nonsense, we talked about this before she embarked on her fruitless mission’

‘it would have been fruitful if mother hadn’t interfered’

‘fauna your mother wants you in the garden’

‘I want to see Bethany’

‘your mother wants you now’

‘can’t I get anything I want father, all my life I’ve lived by yours and mother’s rules, never had a say for myself, did you ever ask me why I wanted to be there so badly, no all you care about is your selfish interests’

‘that is not true Fauna’

‘really then, prove it’ I said and walked past him to the garden, my mother, Dianne and Eleanora sat under the umbrella shade drinking tea

‘you really haven’t learnt anything, what in gracious name are you wearing’ mother said

‘warriors armor mom, don’t you recall, you had one’

‘Enough Dianne, hello fauna’ Nora said, I smiled at her

‘come dear, sit with me’ I rolled my eyes and sat beside her ‘I am willing to forgive your little stunt but you have to do something for me, you will write to the academy as Aurelia and tell them you wish to leave’

‘I will never do that’ I spat

‘well sweetheart you don’t have a choice here. You should know me fauna, I break rules to get what I want, this is not what I want for you and you will do as I say’ I felt sore on my throat

‘mother, why did you become a warrior’

‘my decision has nothing to do with the situation here’

‘you wanted to be a warrior, you saved the empire, everyone looks up to you, do you know how I felt when people said I’m like you’

‘fauna, you and I are different people, you have a different future’

‘mother you’ve seen me shoot my arrow, this isn’t your choice anymore, this is for my people, this is for Scotland and Europe, if I don’t fight who will’

‘there are others better than you who will do that’

‘mother please don’t do this to me. Mother please consider my requests just this once’

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