Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


Warriors Academy, finally. I still couldn’t believe I was here. The train arrived Ireland a little late and the carriage took us to the academy. I checked into the dorms, the flames of the forest was my dorm, Claudia was in the royal palms while Stephanie was in the prides of Barbados, only Elizabeth was with me in the flames which was okay. The dorms were named after flowers, it was cute. I entered my dorm with my little bag and looked around, a girl sat on the bed by the extreme edge typing away on her phone.

‘uh…hi there’ she looked up

‘hey, you’re Aurelia right, I’m Stella-Maris nice to meet you’ I smiled, Eleanora was Stella-Maris also, I missed them already.

‘nice to meet you too.’ She nodded

‘oh you can put your things there, that’s your side of the room, you can design it however you like’

‘isn’t that a royalty privilege?’ I remembered reading about it on my way here

‘yeah I’m royalty by the way, I don’t look like it I know, royalty sucks a lot. I’m from the Spanish kingdom, I’m the princess of Spain’ so she was the Stella Andrew gushed over, I smiled, I wish I could tell her who I really was but it was a sacrifice I was willing to pay, to trade my title to be a warrior, a big mistake but I’ll learn to work with it.

‘it’s really nice to meet you your highness’ I said with a curtsy, she waved me off

‘no please, we’re roomies, call me Stella, no formalities, I’m far away from my country let me enjoy some of the breathing space okay’ I laughed, she was definitely like me. I was going to make good use of the time I’ll spend here because I was sure that the entire Scotland would be looking for me by tomorrow.



I got a message to report to the chief’s office. Getting there I met my brothers seated, doing a brief curtsy as required by a princess to male royalty, I was offered a seat which I took.

‘fauna is missing’ Andrew said breaking the silence that followed after I sat. I faced him,

‘what? How?’

‘no one knows, father suspected she would be here but a deep search was done and she was not found so now father is confused’ Caleb replied

‘you don’t mean that now do you’ I said in anger

‘calm down your majesty, your sister would be found, your kingdom has ordered a search towards all academies’

‘is that all? Father isn’t worried if she has been kidnapped or worse, what if she was dead already or not even in the country or…’

‘Bethany, be quiet’ Andrew replied harshly

‘how dare you tell me to be quiet, you never cared about her neither did you Caleb so I don’t expect you to care now’ I yelled at him that made him quiet for some time

‘I care the hell about fauna, she is my sister also and yes I have thought about all those things and I’m sure father has done so too and he is even more worried, calm down Bethany, she is going to be found’ that angered me the more, I got up and left the office amidst the calls from my brothers and the chief, tears blinded my vision as I ran, mounting my horse I rode into the woods. I stopped seeing the targets, fauna could reach those targets without stress, what most final years struggled to pass. She was supposed to be here, to train to become a warrior, she was more than just a princess I wondered why our parents couldn’t just see that. I wondered where she was at, was she okay, why the hell did she run away from home, she didn’t even consider that it put the entire Scotland in disarray.

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