Chapter 1

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3rd Person's POV

"Honey I'm right here, you can do this okay" the young man whispered to his wife who is now giving birth to their first child. Her wife grips his hand tightly when the doctor told her to push.

"A little more" the doctor announces, the wife takes a deep breath and let out a piercing scream, her body trembles when the sound of a baby's crying fills the room.

The wife passed out, the doctor holds the baby in her hands and informed the man that she will clean their baby and check up on his wife.

The man nodded and silently cries soon as the doctor got out from their room.

"il mio bellissimo angelo! ce l'hai fatta!" (my beautiful angel! You did it!) The man whispered holding his wife's hand once again. He leaned over to kiss her forehead and smiled widely when the doctor arrives with their newborn placing her in his arms. The man's eyes suddenly welled up again with tears when he saw their little angel.

"She's beautiful, just like your mother." He cooed, the baby once again started crying, the man panicked, doesn't know what to do.

"Here." The doctor handed a bottle of milk to him.

"Thank you Dr. Amelia" Dr. Amelia nodded and begins to clean her wife before she wakes up.

Half an hour later, his wife finally woke up.

"D-Dario?" her voice is hoarse, Dario quickly looked at his wife and smiled widely, thanking that she finally wakes up.

"Emily, sei sveglio! You're awake!" He slowly stood up, unable to move in a rush due to the sleeping baby in his arms.

Emily's eyes widen when she finally saw her baby. "S-she's beautiful" Dario gently push the baby to her, in her arms and admired her sleeping.

"Meredith" Emily whispered, brushing her finger to the baby's cheek.

"Un bel nome (a beautiful name)" Dario agrees.

A faint knock is heard on the door and Dr. Amelia let herself in. She smiled when she saw Emily awake.

"It's good that you're finally awake miss Emily, how are you feeling?"

"I'm so much better now, after seeing my daughter" she replies not breaking her gaze to the adorable baby.

"Very well. Mr. Amato, Sir Marcus is outside, do you want me to send him in?" The doctor turns to Dario, he responded with a curt nod as the doctor motions Marcus inside.

"I'll leave you for now, call me if you need anything." With that, the doctor strutted away.

"Congratulations to the new family!" Marcus whispered shouted when he notice the baby is still sleeping.

"Thanks man!" Marcus went to pat Dario's back.

"So what's this little angel's name?" He asked.

"Meredith." Emily breathes out, still stunned that she just gave birth to this creature.

"It fits her." Marcus agreed and they all went to stay in there moment.

3 months later

"cosa vuole la fica? (what does the cunt wants?)" Dario growled to his confidant.

"vuole conoscere tua figlia. (He wants to meet your daughter)" Emilio, his right hand man, responded.

"That's nonsense! He can't outsmart me, non ho dimenticato cosa gli ho fatto, facendogli perdere mezzo miliardo della sua azienda. (I didn't forget what I did to him, making him lose half a billion of his company)" Dario retorted.

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