Chapter 14

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3rd Person's POV

The deafening silence swarms in the atmosphere inside the car, Mary somehow falls asleep, her head leaning down beside the window. She had her hand supporting her head not to fall. She is pushed further from Ares, almost curled up into a ball.

Meanwhile Ares didn't dare to look at the sleeping angel beside her otherwise he can't take his eyes off her. From the moment he saw her lying on the ground, he had this over protective attitude on her.

He still can't believe how his right man hand answered him rudely, no one dares to speak to Ares like that, what he wants he gets, he's a strong willed leader as what everyone describes about him. No one have ever step on his way or else they will end up 4 feet below the ground, even when it comes to his right man hand and best friend Matteo, he doesn't give two shits.

He hits the steering wheel and run his hand aggressively to his hair, he can't tolerate Matteo's behavior he showed to him. How dare he, questioning my decision? He growled silently.

A soft whimper breaks off the silence, his eyes wandered to Mary, her peaceful sleep is now being haunted again by her dark nightmares. Her body trembles lightly, her hands are grasping on the door, her whimpers turned into sobs, causing Ares to give his full attention to the broken girl.

He slowed down and pulled over to the side of the road. He leans over to her seat and brush his hands gently to her hair, Mary response to his touch, she nuzzles her head closer to his hand. Ares froze, unable to retrieve his hand back. He admired her beautiful and pure aspects from his seat, indulging the moment. He loves how he soothes Mary from the pain, he has the feeling to keep her safe and make sure she will be treated with care.

For him, she is delicate and fragile, he may not know her past but the way she looks at him with sadness and emptiness, he feel the urge to be her protector.

Not knowing how long they've been like that, he decided to wake Mary so he can go back to the road. He taps her shoulder, Mary shudder under his touch and groans. She stirs slightly and blinks her eyes open, the first thing she noticed is the hand that she doesn't know she's been clutching, her face grew hot, cheeks are tinted with bright red color. She sat up straight and release the hand, Ares stifle a chuckle, shaking his hand to stop the numbness.

"I'm sorry." She squeaks.

"It's fine." He mumbled and continue driving.

Mary can't look to her side, she might embarrassed herself even more, she groans inwardly at the thought. She couldn't believe being a big and muscular guy like him has soft and warm hands. What find her strange is why he let her hold his hand.

"We're almost there." Ares informed her. She didn't respond but instead gaze outside the window, thinking what life she is about to embark, she do hope that people there are nicer but what Matteo acted earlier causes her to doubt.

Ares drives to an unfamiliar street, Mary is still admiring the unknown view, the trees almost towers the road that light barely passes through because of their thick leaves. There are only few houses that are almost 20 feet away from each other. These houses have exquisite structures from the outside and Mary already have a perception that this neighborhood is tranquil, no disturbance at all.

Finally, they reached a thick, golden, metal gate that was firmly constructed. He stopped and rolled down his window, uttering some words to the smart lock that was installed outside the gate. It opens widely, the view of the mansion is breathtaking, way beyond from her style. They drive around a fountain and this place is literally built out from gold.

Ares drives directly to an underground parking garage, behind the mansion. Mary's eyes widen to the sight of the vehicles; luxurious cars and military vehicles. Ares parked to his usual spot, turning off the engine, he glanced to the awestruck Mary.

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