Chapter 3

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Meredith's POV

"Alzati puttana! You lazy shit" I was awaken by three hard slaps on my cheeks, I jolted at my sleeping position and was dragged by my hair. I fought back the tears that are threatening to spill as the person throw me hard on the concrete wall.

"The boss is waiting for the breakfast you piece of shit! Stop whoring around!" He yelled right in front of my face and slapped me once again before leaving the attic or my room rather.

I shakily stood up and limp over the small bathroom. The boss a.k.a my so called father has been treating me like this for 7 years, I am surprised that I am still alive today with all those beatings and tortures they gave me.

I gently wet my face with a cold water and winced as I pat my cheeks, I looked up at my reflection at the cracked mirror hanging on the wall. Lifeless looking girl is staring back at me, her hair is matted and tangled, her eyes are dull, big dark circles covered under it, the scars and newly formed bruises covering her arms and body.

I limply walked out the bathroom and bedroom, I grip on the railing of the stairs and take baby steps in going down, my body had enough last night and my sleep wasn't helping it to recover from it. 

"Mary, the boss is waiting for you, you're in deep trouble." One of the strippers who walked past me chuckled. Yes you heard it right, the boss has a strip club next to the mansion and as far as I remember, he tries to push me in becoming a stripper but I argued back ending up being the only maid and punching bag here in the mansion.

"MARY!" I freeze. I didn't dare to look at him, he was just going to punish me when I look him in his eyes.

You see, people here don't know that I am his daughter, he doesn't want anyone to know that he is related to an embarrassment like me, he doesn't let me use my real name which is Meredith. I have no idea why, but I must obey his orders, this was all started when I was 4, he sent me in Los Angeles so I can start my education, I was with a nanny and my life was pretty good back then, until he took me back here when I turned 13, he forbid me to continue my education and persuade me to become a stripper, at first I answered back to him, I was so young and wanted to continue my studies, that's when the beatings started.

He told me I wasn't allowed to call him father and that I was his slave, I can't imagine how a father do this to his own daughter, he didn't mention me my mom, afraid to ask him so I bite my tongue from saying it. He also changed my name which is Mary Hope, that I am going to use from now on, all my papers and documents are renewed with my new name, but I secretly keep my real one, he doesn't know I still have my real birth certificate when I was still studying and my name there is Meredith Villa.

"S-sir?" I stuttered, he grab a handful of my hair and forced me to face him.

"What time is it?" He calmly asked. My eyes lowered down unable to say a word, I cursed myself for sleeping in late but my body is too tired from all of these, why can't he just kill me or put me in the orphanage?

"I am asking you Mary, what, time, is, it?" His voice grow louder as he state each word.

"S-seven?" I stuttered, my lips quivered when I saw how dangerous his grey eyes are, if it could kill, I'm sure be buried 4 feet under the ground.

"What time are you supposed to make breakfast for all of us?" I'm not liking how he calmly asks me, this is one way of a reminder that I will be tortured in the basement tonight.

"F-five s-sir." I whispered. His face turns into an evil smirk and dragged me by my hair into the kitchen. He grabs my hand and put in on the heating coil, I let out a hurtful scream and fight his grip on my hand, unable to take the pain.

"I hope you learned your lesson, NOW COOK!" he shouted, dropping me off the ground, the tears begin to fall as I look down at my burned hand, I sob and washed it quickly. I winced as the cold water hits it, roughly wiping my tears away, I begin cooking to avoid anymore beatings.

"Hurry up bitch we're hungry" a high pitched voice sounded my ears making me deaf, I looked beside to see Amanda, again one of the strippers here and has a sexual relationship with sir Niccolo, the best friend of boss.

"You're here to do you job not to stare at me" she spits, I went back to cooking and finished it as soon as I can.

I headed over to the cupboards to grab the plates and utensils, I can't move properly because of my burnt left hand that is still sore and aching. I hurriedly prepared the table because people are now watching me amusingly, that's what they like when I put on a good show for them.

"Finally" I glance at him that has a satisfying smirk as he enters the dining room. He motioned everyone to take their seats and start their breakfast, I step at the corner of the room and held my head down, I wasn't allowed to look at them eating while I stayed in the corner, I don't even want to watch them and feel pity to myself.

"Marcus can I dismiss that bitch, just seeing her make me lose my appetite" Amanda sneered.

Boss only responded with a nod, Amanda smirks and stood up, yanking my shirt and throws me out of the room, when she went back I literally crawled back to the attic. Closing the door behind me, I let my tears fall as I curled up behind the door.

Why can't he just kill me? I would likely for him to take my life so I cannot feel anymore pain I thought and that's what they do, I watched him killed so many merciless people, he made me watch it which confused me why he hasn't been in prison yet, maybe someone just need to end all of these by reporting them to the authorities. But who? Everyone here is in favor of him, he literally had them wrapped around his fingers, I have no one to asked for help, I had no one to save me if I can still be saved.

I don't even sure if he's my real father.

My head started pounding with all the thinking, I'm so hopeless why would I even think someone can save me. I drag myself to my small bathroom, a cold shower will help me relax my sore body.

I do my shower quickly, my body can't handle the coldness of the water, after rinsing the soap, I step out from the shower, I didn't bother covering up my bare body, tears fall down when I saw my reflection. I barely recognize myself anymore, it's like I'm a walking dead, worse than that.

"I'm so ugly!" I said, I balled my fist controlling my self to punch my already broken mirror, I take a deep breath and just walk out. I dried myself with a small towel and put on a sweater and sweatpants, I don't want anyone to see my body, even me.

Marcus may have tortured me all the time together with his people, one thing he didn't get from me yet is my virginity, I am so relieved that he did not try to touch me or sexually abused me yet. Keyword, yet, most likely to happen but if that time comes I will fight back to him even if this means I'll be gone to this world.

The door of my room swung open, my eyes widen in horror to see him walked in effortlessly. Can't I take a break? Why would I even bother, after he damaged me physically, mentally and emotionally my body turned numb.

He sat down at the end of my torn mattress and patted the space beside him, calling me like a dog.

I swallowed the lump of my throat and walked slowly to him, my head hanging low. He pulled me in front of him, making me straddle his lap, I flinched when he touched my cheeks and caress my hair. I felt so dirty, but I have no voice to speak.

"You are so beautiful Meredith, it makes me want to hurt you even more." He whispered, I shudder in disgust, he grabbed my chin with a strong force to look at him and my eyes are threatening to tear again.

"Remember this, you are mine, after you turned 21, you will marry me." I looked at him horrified, what is he thinking!? He is my dad! I can't marry him and this is better off to be dead than to live with this lunatic monster.

I struggle under his hold which makes him to hold me tighter. I still have 1 month before my birthday, I've got to get out of here. Even this is too risky, might as well I take it, I need to prepare my escape here, this mansion is always packed and people here always noticed me so I need to secure my plan before I turned 21.

"And if you're planning to escape, I'd rather not to because you know I always find you sweetheart." He smirks, kissing my forehead.

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