Chapter 23

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3rd Person's POV

Mary limps back to the dance floor, her hands are clutching her dress. She haven't seen Liv and Jean which makes her cry harder. She walked heavily to the corner of the club, she knows she looks horrible and a mess, she doesn't want another criticisms from others.

"Are you crying?" The same voice she talked earlier, asked her.

Mary looks up to the man who has a worried face. She wiped her tears and tries to stand up but she ended up falling back to the ground, luckily the man caught her.

"What happened?" The man exclaims when he saw her wrinkled dress.

"H-he---" Mary sobs harder, unable to finish her sentence.

The man took of his suit jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. He guides her out the bar into his sports car.

Mary hesitates to get in, the man noticed her actions and he tries to explain that he will not hurt her.

"I swear I will never do anything to hurt you." He reassured for the 5th time.

But for Mary, she doesn't really care anymore, she doesn't even know who to trust. They are all the same, from Liv that she considers a 'friend' to Jean, then Matteo and come to think of it, maybe Ares too.

Mary obliged and climbed inside the car, too tired to fight. The man, who she hasn't even know his name, climbs inside, started the engine and literally zooms off the road. Their car ride is silent, all she can hear is the tires screeching beneath.

She knows to herself that she doesn't trust this man and yet, she lets him take her to God knows where.

"I am taking you with me, you don't have to worry, I don't hurt women. I have high respects towards them." He firmly said.

Mary didn't respond. They continue to drive along what looks like a familiar road. He is driving them back to the Grecos. She straightened her body, maybe he knows that he is working in the Grecos, her subconscious said.

"I didn't catch your name." The man interrupted.

"Mary." She uttered, her voice is just above whisper.

The man smiles as he continues driving to the gates. The sun had already set, giving the moon the spotlight over the darkened sky. Ares will be furious when he finds out that Mary went to a club without his consent.

They finally reached the mansion, he pulls over in front and he ordered to get out. Still confused but thankful, Mary slipped out from the car. The man calls one of the guards and told him to park his car which the guard oblige.

All Mary wants to do is lock herself in a room and never come out. She is just exhausted dealing every single dilemmad that comes into her life, that she knows she can't overcome. Marcus have already broken her and nothing more can ever heal her.

"Hello sir---"

"WHERE IS SHE!?" A loud blaring voice booms through the hallway.

"Sir Ares, w-we t-thought she a-already w-went home!" Liv cries.

Meredith's POV

"LOOK THE FUCK WHAT YOU DONE! AND WHY DID YOU EVEN BRING HER TO THE CLUB!" Ares snarled, I can see from here the two girls shaking under Ares's outrageous demeanour.

"You broke the rules. You know what happened when you disrespect me." He threatens them. I felt bad for the girls, they will be punished all because of me!

But before I stopped Ares, the man speaks, breaking the scene.

"Ares what is going on?" He asks, my face twisted into pure confusion but quickly recovered. Of course he knows him!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2021 ⏰

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