Chapter 10

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Meredith's POV

"Hurry up bitch!" Amanda scolded. I honestly don't have any idea why she is the one acting like the boss around here, if I could just repeat to her what the actual boss told her the other day.

"Keep your toy in leash"

She is just sir Niccolo's toy, and if he gets tired playing with her, she's gonna end up being dumped.

"Hurry up!" She screeched. I'm fed up with her voice, attitude and fake body, everything on her is irritating.

"Amanda enough." A deep voice interrupted. From my peripheral vision, I see Marcus dragging Amanda ayaw from me. With a sigh of relief, I can now finish doing their dishes. I have a day off today from being a "stripper" he said that I need to fix the dirt on my skin which are the bruises and scars. I want to slap him and tell him they were the one who gave me these but of course, I don't have the guts to confront him.

"Hey." Natalie came from behind, I jumped when she went and leaned beside the counter.

"Hi Natalie." I smiled, after the incident yesterday, she becomes really close to me. I am still not convinced that she really is a true and sincere friend, I didn't let my guard down everytime she comes up to me and talks to me. Although I can here some sincerity on her voice, that doesn't change my mind of running away.

I also haven't told her anything about it and I should keep it that way, besides she will not lose anything if my plan works. She basically friends with everyone around here.

"How are you feeling?" She asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

"I'm actually d-doing good." I stuttered. Until now, I am not used at talking to people, I struggle not to stammered my words but who doesn't when you haven't utter phrases and sentences for years.

"You better be, the boss is hot headed in the club and he's not making good money." She chuckled the last part. I frowned at her, he still wants me to work in his club after what I did to his biggest client?

"And yes, to answer your question, he still wants you to work in the club, he said to us that you have a long line of men waiting for you." She shrugged.

You've got to be kidding me. After I finished washing, Natalie left and went back to the club. I, on the other hand, went straight to my room. I finally made my decision, I am going to escape tomorrow at midnight. But first, I need to make sure the right direction I will be heading. I quickly walked outside of my room and to the downstairs, glancing around the floor, I headed to the right. I strolled down the hall, passing the kitchen, bathroom and some rooms. I eyed every corner of the walls to see if there are cameras, I sigh in relief when there aren't plenty, only one at the entrance of the kitchen and another along the hallway but those are it.

I stumbled upon the basement door, I stared at the lock, my fingers are itching to put the code but was interrupted by footsteps, I panicked and hid behind the closest thing I can possibly hiding, the big flower pots.

I hold my breath as the footsteps got closer, I peeked through the leaves, two men are talking about something while typing the code, I am grateful that the code is still the same but before they enter the basement I heard them say something.

"Just act normal, after Arturo got all of the shares, this will be ours." I gasped loudly, I covered my mouth quickly when the guy with black hair that is near to my hiding spot stopped and looked around. Damnit.

"Did you hear that?" The guy asked. The other looks at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"No and stop shitting yourself, let's go." The other guy responded annoyingly.

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