Shifting Tides (8)

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The next few years passed slowly as Kai learned how to handle kids in a way that didn't result in him murdering them. They had settled in California under cloaking spells that anyone looking for them wouldn't be able to break.

Kai was kind of proud of himself as it came time for their eighth birthday. The twins had grown quickly and he could already see the differences in their personalities.

Josie was the quieter one, who felt things deeply. She was shy but extremely kind. She loved stories and learning new things. She reminded him a lot of his sister, except more accepting and curious with a dark side that rarely ever showed itself.

While Lizzie was the talkative and wild twin. Both twins held strong opinions but Lizzie made her's known no matter the situation. She was confident and liked to cause trouble, whether it be with magic or not. She also had a quick temper that was difficult to quell.

She was turning out to be a lot like him, especially after they learned she was bipolar. Which was a whole nother situation that he had to learn how to manage.

Both twins had proven skilled at magic. Josie loved learning spells and had quite a few useful ones in her bag. And Lizzie just loved causing chaos with her magic. She didn't know as many spells but the ones she did know, she could use to their fullest extent.

Kai had been watching their progress, trying to see if one was obviously more powerful than the other, but they seemed pretty even. The only hint that one may be more powerful was the power that Lizzie was able to put behind her spells compared to her sister.

But Josie also knew more spells than her, which made them more even.

It had almost been four years since he had taken them. Kai had wondered as they got older if they would have questions about their past and how he would answer them, yet neither twin felt the need to ask.

Not about why they weren't with their parents or about why they were with him. Kai on some level knew that they knew. At least Lizzie did.

Josie might but she seemed content to ignore the implications of their technical kidnapping. Lizzie also didn't seem to care at all but she wasn't against making sly comments or using it against him if she was angry or upset.

She had learned the art of guilt-tripping and had proven to be great at it. Also at lying. He couldn't tell whether or not he was proud or disappointed because she had used it multiple times on him. Josie, thankfully, wasn't that great at lying, with the exception of her ability to play innocent of her sister's actions.

Any situation that she got into that needed her to lie, she got out of easily since Lizzie typically did it for her. The two were great at tag-teaming.

He would be annoyed if he wasn't impressed. They gave their teachers a run for their money and the twins loved finding new ways to get out of school.

Mostly by upsetting their teachers or doing magic, so that he has to come to compel their teachers and take them out of school.

He had considered taking them out completely and homeschooling them but he actually wanted them to learn things. Kai was a lot of things but a teacher was not one of them.

He didn't have the patience nor the experience to do it. And knowing the twins, they would find ways around doing the work.

The school also allowed the twins to have socialization, not that they actually socialized with any of the other students.

In the words of their judgemental teacher, they were anti-social and their only friends were each other. He had tried to get them to bond with the others but they refused.

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