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both characters are 21+
warnings: mature content, character death, murder, injuries done to reader, crying
【 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: DevinylFNF & Maryflowerlight106



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The morning came fast, and yet Y/N feels like she didn't get any sleep, no matter that she was back in her own bed. She was still exhausted. She lazily stayed in bed for a few more minutes, just blankly staring at the ceiling. She eventually rolled off her bed and stood up, stretching.

After she did her morning routine and changed clothes. She headed downstairs but stopped halfway when she smelt eggs and bacon. She lived alone so this was beyond concerning. Who the heck is in her kitchen? She kept slowly to the bottom of the stairs, being as quite as possible. She grabbed ahold of a broom that she forgot to put away a week prior. She crept up behind the wall, her nerves on edge. What if it was the Russian man from before? What if he had followed her home?

Without seeing who it is, she swung the broom at the person's head. "Wh-" he grabbed the broom away from her and tossed it to the other side of the room. "Really, again?" Finland held his head, Y/N gasps, mentally face palming herself. How could she forget she let Finland spend the night? "I'm so sorry, Fin-"

He crosses his arms, "is this what you do to everyone who helps you?" She sheepishly backed away to the kitchen table and sat down. Finland shakes his head, "silly girl." He goes back to getting the two plates and sets them down, putting the breakfast he made on their plates. "Bon appetit!" He said with a rare grin, feeling proud of his well made food. Y/N nearly drools at the sight. The smell was delicious. But she stopped and Finland noticed taking the set in front of her. "What's wrong?"

"Since when did you know French?" She tilts her head, taking a bite out of her eggs. Seriously, how much did he know? "What? No I don't."

"You just said 'bon appetit'-" she argues.

"Just eat the food, tyttö." He didn't bother looking at her, he just continued to eat his food. Y/N stared at him. "What is—uh, whatever you just said." He rolls his eyes and says, "Just my mother tongue."

"Uh-huh, sure."

It didn't take long before they were both done with their food. Y/N offered to do the dishes, but Finland took care of them before she could object.

She pulled back the curtain in her living room, seeing that it was still snowing, but still, it was far from bad as before. "You can stay longer, you know?" She suddenly said. She turned to face him, "I would feel more safer if I wasn't alone." He clears his throat, covering the bottom part of his face. Y/N saw that his cheeks where a tint of red, even when he tried to hide it. She laughed, "oh my goodness, are you blushing, Finny?"

"Oh, shush! And don't ever call me that." He exclaimed, crossing his arms. Still despite his tone, he held a smile on his face. Only for the moment to be ruined by a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" Y/N pushes past Finland and goes to the front door. She swings it open, "hello-" her eyes widen. It was him. Russia, was that his name? She tried to shut the door but he held it open with the same abnormality large grin as before. "What do you want?" She slowly backed away from the door and he walked in, closing it behind him. "I just came to get what's mine."

She screams and runs away, immediately getting Finlands attention. "What's wrong?" He asked, she tried pulling him to the back door, but they weren't fast enough. Russia entered the room, "is this normally how you greet your guests? How rude." He smirked. Finland glared, "leave, Russia."

He tsks, "don't tell me what to do, hunter."

"I beat your father once, do you really think you stand a chance now?" He sneered. Russia clenched his fist, "oh, please, I'm more of the man he will ever be. Besides..." Russia takes a large step forward. "You're weak."

Finland pushes Y/N behind him, "I don't know what you want with her, but you'll have to kill me first." The Finnish man grabbed a kitchen knife from the table. "That can be arranged." And soon enough, the fight begins. Finland managed to cut the Russians arm, but he still overpowered him. Russia held him in a head lock. Finland's face was turning purple and veins where appearing on his forehead. "Run, Y/N!" He choked out. He was pulling on Russia's grip, but to no avail. 

Russia rolls his eyes, effectively snapping his opponents neck, killing him instantly. Y/N screams, "FINLAND!" she backs away and runs to the back door. Russia takes a step over the corpse.

Before she can even unlock the door, Russia grabs her by the hair. Pulling her body against his, "now, Золотце, why don't we finish what we started before you ran off?" She squirmed and screamed again. He rolled his eyes, quickly growing annoyed by the constant noise. Without a second thought, he slammed her head into the sliding back door. Blood was dripping from her now-broken nose.

Russia threw her to the ground, and she tried to crawl away. He playfully shook his head, stepping harshly on her ankle. She screamed and tried to push him off, only for him to stomp on it to the point where it broke. Tears were streaming down her face. Her body was aching and she was slowly losing the will to fight. She saw Finland's corpse and just cried more. He sacrificed his life for her and yet she still didn't escape. She was pathetic. Without a second thought, she spoke. "Please.. just kill me already..."

He steps off her ankle, kneeling down to her level. He holds her face gently, wiping her eyes. He thinks for a moment. Deciding that he has taken a liking to this human.

"Mmm. How pitiful of you, pet, cry all you want but your friend is dead." He then played with a strand of her hair. A look of horror crosses her face at his next words.

"I think I'll keep you, pet."

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