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art done by: ???

【 𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘: no one.】

          The moving process was difficult. The drive was over five hours away, the weather was trashy, and the roads were bad. Plus, driving a large moving truck with no experience whatsoever is not good. You couldn't even hire movers because of how far the place is, it would have cost you a little over several grand to do all of it. The town was tiny, and people looked at the moving truck in surprise. You were from a larger city and finally seeing your house for the first time is a dream come true. The price was low and the bills would be too. Also, you already have a job where you can work from home. Eventually, you would open up your own business. It would probably work well in a small town like this.

The thing you liked the most was the lack of people in your area. No more noisy neighbors peeking in through their curtains. You placed your hands on your hips. You had just brought everything into the house, now you just have to clean the truck or they'll charge extra. With a groan, you went back outside to do that quickly. Driving another 45 minutes just to return the truck to the closest location.

You had to take an uber back and tipped the gentleman extra for the long ride. You were home once more. The sun would go down soon and before you could take another step you hear a voice behind you. You turned to see a rather tall man. "Hi, ms, I happened to notice you've moved in. I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood." He reached out a hand, holding it for a hand shake. "Oh, well thanks. I'm Y/N." You shook his hand, goodness, his hands were large and cold, too. "I'm Canada," he pulls away and steps back. "Oh and I guess I should warn ya of somethin'. Make sure you lock your doors at night, there's been a whole lot of attacks recently. People think its animals... but I don't know.." he looks off to the side. "Anyways, you've probably sick of me rambling, it was nice meeting you, Y/N."

You waved goodbye, "yeah, see ya." He was rather friendly. You go into your house and lock the door. The boxes were still scattered around the house. You sighed. You should get started on the kitchen first for food.

You woke up to a crash. You were sleeping on your couch on the main floor. You stand up quietly. It was silent. You were sure that you heard something. Had someone broken in? You failed to check the windows to see if they were locked or not, same was true of the back door. You were too busy unpacking and exhausted to care.

"Make sure you lock your doors at night, there's been a whole lot of attacks recently."

No. You were fine. Just paranoid. It is a new town and your just adjusting-- that's all. Still, when you tried to lay down, you felt something was off. The sound did sound like it came from the kitchen. Quietly, you snuck into the kitchen. The food box was ripped open and there was a raccoon snacking on a cereal box. You step back. Were raccoons even dangerous? What if it had rabies? Taking a broom as your choice of weapon, you not so gently force the cereal box away from the raccoon. You held it in your hands and threw the cereal box outside, where the door was wide open. The raccoon chased after it and you slammed the door shut and locked it. Letting out a large sigh of relief.

You leaned the broom against the wall. Unaware of the pair of glowing eyes behind you, an unknown force from behind yanks you back into a sort of bear hug. It all happened so fast. An arm was wrapped around your waist while a hand was on your mouth to muffle your screams. You tried to bite but it was useless. It turned your neck to the side and roughly bit down between your collarbone and shoulder. You screamed and kicked. Again, proving to be useless.

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