Kara Danvers

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   Kara stumbled out of bed and headed to her kitchen. She let out a big yawn as she made herself a coffee. It didn't affect her kryptonian self but she still enjoyed the taste of it along with it bringing a feeling of normalcy. It had officially been a month since she had her first appearance as Supergirl and truthfully she started to get overwhelmed. Who knew being a hero would be so hard?

  She headed out to work, choosing to walk today as she nearly got caught when she tried flying yesterday. The city was busy as always, but she always took in the noise with a happy face. As she passed noonans, one of her favorite places to eat, she bumped into someone that was running. They both quickly fell to the ground.

"Oh! Oh no! Oh my r-" She paused for a moment. "goodness! I'm so so sorry. I uh- I wasn't watching where I was going. Are you okay?" Kara rambled on.

   They let out a small chuckle. "Yes, yes im ok" They said as they rubbed their shoulder. Kara finally made eye contact with the other. Kara swore that this girl was the most stunning thing she had ever seen. That being said, Kara got flustered and turned away quickly.

  " Are you sure you're okay? I knocked you pretty hard.." Kara said in a concerned tone, hesitantly turning back towards the girl.

  "Yes, yes. I'm good! Don't you worry." She said.

  Kara looked down at her watch and briefly panicked. She realized that she only had five more minutes to get to work, and she hadn't even gotten Mrs. Grants latte yet.

  I should've flown today - She thought to herself as she exited the elevator on her floor. She immediately heard Ms. Grant yelling her name.

  "God, Kiera. Don't you know that if I don't have my latte I won't be able to focus, and if I'm not able to focus I can't do my job. If I can't do my job, I can't afford to hire all of these people and you, Kiera, will be responsible for hundreds of lost jobs and millions of dollars." she said quickly before taking a sip of the latte.

  "I.. I'm sorry Ms. Grant. It won't happen again."

  "It better not. Or I may have to find a new assistant. Now go, go do your job, go."

  Kara shuffled quickly out of the room and sat down at her desk before letting out a big sigh.

  "Rough morning?" Kara heard my friend Winn say.

  "More busy then rough. Although, I may have broken someones shoulder." Kara said while letting out a small chuckle and shaking her head.

  "Oh geez. What happened?" He replied.

  "She was running and bumped into my shoulder. She fell to the ground directly on her other shoulder. Rao, I feel bad."

  "Im sure she'll be fine. This city is so big that you probably won't even run into her ever again."

"I sure hope not" Kara said sighing as she began to do some paperwork.


  Kara eventually got back to CatCo after her lunch at Noonans. Her attention was immediately drawn to one of the many TV screens scattered around the news building. Her jaw dropped and she quickly shuffled to Winn's side.

"Winn! We have an issue.."

"Wha.. What is it?" His eyes quickly opened as he came out of his almost sleep.

  "So uhhh." Kara awkwardly chuckled. "You know that girl I bumped into earlier..?"

  "Yeah..?" He replied in a questioning tone.

  "Well, thats her." Kara pointed to the TV screen where Lena Luthor's picture was displayed with the headline being 'Lex Luthor's sister takes over Luthor Corp. Kara watched as his jaw dropped. He then let out a chuckle of surprise.

  "Kara! Shes a multi-millionaire! What if she sues you? Not only that. She's a LUTHOR." Winn said a bit too loudly. People started looking their way. Kara gave him a quick death glare before grabbing his shirt and dragging him to the elevator. She drug them to the roof where they would have a bit more privacy while they talked.

  "I had absolutely no clue Lex had a sister! God, do you think she's come to National City to kill me?" She asked him. Her mind began to race with many different thoughts as she waited for Winn to respond.

  "I doubt she will sue you.. but maybe you should go talk to her about it." He pointed towards a large skyscraper with the logo 'Luther Corp' on it. "Thats where her office is. Ill cover for you, go talk to her." Kara nodded and flew off towards the large building.

    As Kara entered the building she was quickly confronted by security.

"Hello! Im here to see Lena Luthor.." She said nervously.

"Ms. Luthor doesnt have any 2:15 appointments." He snarled at me.

"Oh uh.. I didn't know I needed one. Could I please just go talk to her?"

"Ill call up there and ask. Stay put" He walked off before returning a minute later. "Go on up. Shes on the 42nd floor."

Kara nodded her head and made her way to the elevator. She pressed the button to the 42nd floor and up she went. As Kara walked out of the elevator she was quickly escorted to the door of her office. Reluctantly, she walked in.

  "How may I help yo-" Lena stopped mid-sentence once she realized that she was the same girl she bumped into this morning. "What a small world.." Lena chuckled. "What brings you by?"

  "Oh uh.. I just saw you on television and thought id stop by and make sure you were alright!" Kara finally noticed the sling on her right arm. "Oh! Golly! Is it broken?"

  "Just a little bit" Lena smiled. "Nothing to worry about, I've had worse."

  Kara let out a sigh of relief.

  "You ran off pretty quickly this morning. I didn't get your name." Lena said.

   "Oh sorry about that! My boss can be pretty hardcore. I'm Kara.. Kara Danvers."

  "That explains it. Cat's assistant right? She was talking about you the other day." Lena grinned and her emerald eyes stared into my soul. Kara started to blush once more. She quickly turned away.

  "I uh. I should go! Have a good day Ms. Luthor!" Kara quickly scurried out of the building.

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