Lena Luthor

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  Kara left Lena's office so quickly that she wondered if she had said the wrong thing. Lena grabbed the stack of paperwork and started to shuffle through it. Lena's mind drifted and soon enough she was thinking about Kara.

  She seemed nice.

  Why did she run away?

  She's probably just scared of Luthor's like everyone else is. I suppose I don't blame her.

  She does have a cute smile though.

  Her outfits could use a bit of work.

   She shook her head. Bad Lena. Kara must have run out on her for a reason, maybe she just doesn't want friends. Lena wished she knew what the reason was, but she knew she didn't have time to sit around and think about it. Lena started writing an email towards a business partner of hers before her building started to shake violently. She sprung up from her desk and people were there in an instant to escort her out of the building. They headed down the stairwell as the elevator would've been too dangerous to use in a situation like this.

  As they passed the 23rd floor Lena looked to her right and saw Supergirl grabbing people one by one and flying them to safety. She couldn't help but smile, even in a rough time like this Lena always secretly found her attractive. Lena continued making her way down the stairs before hearing a large cracking sound as if the building began to collapse. She picked up the pace and began running down the stairwell as fast as she possibly could. Lena then heard a kid start to cry on about the 14th floor. She knew she had to at least try to save him, just in case Supergirl couldn't. She made her way to his side and grabbed his hand. She told him to follow her, and began to pull him in the direction of the staircase. As a result, the boy cried out in pain and collapsed to the ground. That's when Lena noticed the large object that impaled his left leg. She scooped him up and started to run to the staircase.

   Supergirl then came running down the stairs with a flood of people. Lena looked up at her and smiled, Supergirl briefly smiling back. They were finally on the first floor and everyone rushed out of the building. Supergirl made sure everyone got out before deciding to do one last fly through to make sure everyone was clear of the building. However as she disappeared into the building once more, it collapsed. Many gasps were heard from the crowd of people around the building that were covered in ash and smoke. But she was the girl of steel, she'd be alright.

  A lot of dust, debris, and smoke filled the air as people started helping each other to the closest hospital which was only two blocked away. Lena looked back and noticed that Supergirl had not appeared from the rubble yet. Everyone around Lena was coughing and she knew that none of them could wait any longer to get medical attention, including herself. As they rounded the corner, she looked back one last time ti see if the girl of steel had resurfaced, but to no avail. She saw a group of people dressed in black gear scouring the sight to find her. Lena could only hope that the girl of steel was okay.

  They finally made it to the hospital and the rooms were quickly filled with many sick and injured people. The hospital staff were quickly overwhelmed, and seeing as Lena owned the hospital, she tried her best to help out. At this point, she was still carrying the young boy, who was now passed out in her arms. The pain in her shoulder was nearly unbearable and the only thing keeping her from dropping him was adrenaline. Lena carried him to the children's wing of the hospital and laid him down in one of the rooms.

Lena's arm began to sting even worse than before. She left the boys room and wandered down the busy halls of the hospital. Lena looked up at one of the televisions in the waiting room and watched the tv reporters cover the collapse of my building and the way Supergirl had gone missing in the rubble. The fact that everything had happened in such a short amount of time made her heart break. The halls of this hospital were filled of people that had just barely escaped from her building. She couldn't take it anymore and sped out of the hospital and towards her penthouse.

She made it to her penthouse that overlooked the majority of the city and stood on her balcony. She looked out at the place her building used to be and saw emptiness. It was heartbreaking in more ways than one. She shook her head and walked back inside and grabbed a bottle of pain medication. She opened the bottle and dumped a few pills into her mouth. She grabbed a small glass and filled it with water which helped the pills go down. She then sprawled out on the couch and turned the television on. It opened to the news channel where Lena saw Supergirl's unconscious body being drug from the rubble and inside a black van. She let out an audible gasp before switching the channel as she tried to keep her mind off the situation. Though, one simple thought stayed in her mind. How could Supergirl, the Girl of Steel, be injured?

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