Earth To Supergirl

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Alex's POV

"Oh my god! J'onn get in here." I said, seeing my sister collapse after setting Lena down.

"Kara!" Lena cried out.

"Lena stay put. You could be hurt. Me and J'onn will take care of her." I said as J'onn came in with our medical team.

J'onn picked up Kara's unconscious body and set her down on the bed next to Lena's. I rushed over to Lena and started checking her vitals while the rest of the team worked on Kara. I had to keep myself distracted if I didn't want to break out crying.

"Im going to do an ultrasound and x-ray to make sure there is nothing wrong internally" I said. Lena nodded and I rolled her bed into the other room where the machines were.

After all of the work was done I looked over the results. One broken arm. One fractured wrist. Bruised tailbone. And a broken ankle. Luckily, no internal bleeding.

"You have a broken arm, fractured wrist, broken ankle, and a bruised tailbone. No internal damage. For what you went through, you are pretty lucky." Lena nodded. I started putting her casts on, attempting to make conversation to distract her.

"How did the party go? Other then the obvious.."

"It was going great until.. you know.."

"I can't believe you and Kara's anniversary is coming up."

"Yeah.. January 6th" Lena paused. "How are you and Maggie doing?"

"We're good.. I haven't spoken to her since I found out. I should really call her.."

I finished putting on her casts. "You'll need to be in a wheelchair until your foot is healed."

Lena sighed. "I hate being immobile."

"Kara does too.." I said. Lena gasped.

"Is Kara ok?!"

"I'll go check.. But I'm sure she is doing well.." I replied.

I walked out of the room after giving Lena some painkillers. I went to see Kara who was still unconscious on the bed. Her vitals were stable.

"What happened to her J'onn?" I asked.

"Kryptonite bullet to the neck. Its a miracle she is alive." J'onn started. "This will be a long recovery for her, and we will have to keep an eye on her 24/7 to make sure she doesn't crash."

"Im going to kill Lillian." I said.

"Easy now, Alex. Our main priority is getting Kara back and then we will make sure Lillian gets punished"

~Lena Luthor's POV
~1 week later

The world still thinks me and Supergirl are missing. Some think we are dead. There are search parties everywhere looking for any clues that we are still alive. I felt bad.


"How can I help you, Lena?" J'onn asked.

"When can I announce that me and Kara are alive to the public? I feel bad."

"Once Kara is conscious. We don't want to say she is alive until we are certain that she will pull through."


~ 2 weeks later

Me and Supergirl are presumed dead. If J'onn wasn't her the crime rate would be up a lot more then it already is. My phone started ringing.

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