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Alex had been in a state on panic ever since J'onn had told her that the Luthor Corp building had collapsed onto her sister, who had yet to resurface. She wasn't sure what happened, but she knew it wasn't good.

"Danvers, are you alright?"

"Yeah Im fine J'onn. Just worried. I mean, how could she be injured? She's walked away from stuff like this before."

"We will have to run some tests once we get back to the DEO but I'm thinking she may have been affected my kryptonite"

Kryptonite. That word rang sharply in Alex's head. The one thing that could take down her sister with ease could possible be in her system after entering the Luthor Corp building.

  It took an hour of digging through the rubble of the collapsed building, before she stumbled across a hand. Immediately, she knew it was Kara. She yelled for everybody else to come help uncover the rest of Kara. They managed to get Kara out of the rubble after another hour and wheeled Kara into the DEO van. Alex was in tears as she looked at Kara's smoke stained face. She noticed a stream of blood pouring from the top of her head. J'onn tried to pull her away from Kara but Alex refused to leave her side. Eventually they had made it to the DEO where the medical professionals room over, though Alex monitored her sister closely.

  Kara was having trouble breathing on her own, her heart rate was fluctuating rapidly. They hooked her up to a montitor and put Kara on a ventilator. They wheeled her under the sunlamps and waited until she was stable to begin running some tests.

  "Ms. Danvers?" One of Alex's coworker, Brian, said.

  "How is she doing? Is she gonna be ok?" Alex responded.

  "She should be fine however.." He paused for a minute, almost like he didn't want to tell her. "There were traces of kryptonite in her system."

  "Oh" It took Alex a minute to process but her reaction quickly went from confusion to anger. "I'm going to fucking kill that Luthor."

~Three Days Later

"Kara?!" Alex said as she saw Kara begin to open her eyes "Oh thank god!" Alex felt tears begin to roll down her face.

  "Alex.? What happened?" Kara attempted to get up but was too weak to move.

  "Kara stay right there. You're ok. A building collapsed on top of you." Alex kept a tight grasp around Kara's hand. "J'ONN!"

  Jonn quickly came running from the other room and called for more backup. They were sure to check her eyes, ears, and attempted to do more bloodwork but the needle snapped.

"It seems like shes recovering well" J'onn said with a slight chuckle.

"Im fine guys. I swear to Rao. Can I please leave?" Kara said while giving her best attempt at puppy dog eyes.

  "Kara Im not so sure thats a good idea. You.. you could get hurt or-" J'onn but his hand up to stop Alex from speaking anymore.

  "You may go, Supergirl. Go home. I'll send Alex your way after she finishes work"

  "Thank you J'onn" Kara looked at me and smirked. She then walked out of the room and flew off towards her apartment.

  "J'onn! Why'd you let her leave?! She just woke up and what if there are some after effects?"

  "You have met Kara right? She would've left whether we gave her permission or not."

Kara flew straight home and changed into some comfy clothes before sitting down on the couch and turning on the television.

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