In her head

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Kara's POV

  This chapter takes place when she first got to the DEO after being hit.

"J'onn..?" I said slightly trembing.

"Yes, Kara?"

"I don't feel good.." I mumbled.

"What doesn't feel good?"

"Everything. My head. My body. I feel like I am going to pass out."

"We are gonna figure out what happened." He replied, calmly.

"J'onn this feels different. Like something was removed. I don't know how to explain it." I said, starting to breathe heavily. The world around me starting spinning.

"Just stay calm, Kara."

Suddenly the world went dark. When I was able to see again I felt different.

Somethings missing

Where am I?

"Where am I?" I said, looking around.

"Uhh.. What?" A random man said to me as he walked closer.

"Who are you? Where's my mom?" I asked, trying to back away.

"Kara? What just happened?" He asked reaching his hand out.

"G..Get away from me!" I yelled. I don't know who he is. Who is he?! Whats going on?!


"I need to get home.. Need to go home.. Where am I?" I said as I started to shake.

"The DEO..?" J'onn said.

"I've never heard of that planet. How do I get back to Krypton?" I said. Mother never told me there was a planet named 'The DEO'

"Kara.. Krypton.. Exploded.. You live on Earth now.. Don't you remember?" The man asked.

WHAT?! No. Krypton couldn't have exploded, right? This is a prank. A mean prank. If Krypton exploded I would've known.

"I don't live on Earth. And if Krypton exploded I would know. So just let me go home!" I said loudly, hoping they would quit messing with me.

Soon enough, two girls walked in. I stared at them as they walked. Ive never seen them before. Who are they?

"Ready to figure out what's happening to you, babe?" The girl with raven colored hair said.

BABE?! What?! What does she mean babe? Why is she saying babe to me, a 13 year old..? Is she a pedo? Oh Rao I hope she isnt.

"Lena-" The older man started before I cut him off.

"Babe? I'm not your babe. I'm no ones babe. Just let me go home!" I said.

"Wh..What?" The girl said, obviously a bit shocked. Why? I don't know. I'm not anyones 'babe'.

"Lena.. She seems to have lost all of her Earth memories."

"Shut up! I wanna go home!" I yelled. My eyes felt strange, like a tingling sensation. Everyone around me looked scared.

"Get those power dampening cuffs on her. Now!" The man yelled to the other women. The women quickly cuffed me.

"Get these off me! My mother will send you all to Fort Rozz for messing with me!" I threatened.

"Fort Rozz no longer exists and neither does Krypton." One of the girls said.

"No! You're lying!" I yelled. She has to be lying, right?

"Lay down, Kara." The man said.

"How do you know my name!?" I yelled.

"Lay down." He replied. I rolled my eyes and did as I was told. Hopefully this ends soon if I cooperate. The man grabbed a needle and started to walk towards me.

He better not poke me with that. I hate needles.

"I don't like needles. Please don't.." I said, slightly trembling.

"It won't hurt. I'm a pro at this. Now look away and count to 10." I nodded and looked away before starting to count. Once he was done I turned back to look at him, I hadn't even felt the needle.

"All done." He said, walking away.

"That didn't hurt at all. You aren't that bad for an Earth doctor." I said.

"I learned all of my medical stuff on Mars actually.." He said.

"Mars? Are you a martian!?" I said, intrigued.

"Yes I am. Last green Martian in existence.." He said.

"Woah! I thought your kind was extinct. At least thats what I was told." I said, shyly.

"I try to stay low profile." He said with a small chuckle. Eventually, I looked over at the mirror where I saw myself in a blue and red suit.

Who the heck is that? Is that a window because that be me! It can't be! I'm 13. I'm not an adult.

"AHHH! Thats not me! Thats not me!" I yelled.

"Yes.. That's you.."

"No.. No.. I'm 13.. That can't be me." I said.

"Kara.." The raven haired girl said, getting my attention. "You've lived on Earth for many years now. But you seem to have lost your memory.. Me and you.. We are dating and we have a beautiful baby girl named Maya. Well, she's a year old now but she looks like shes 4.."

I stayed still, somewhat terrified. I have a kid? No.. That can't be. I can't have I kid. I would've remembered having a kid.. and I'm not gay!

"You guys must be confusing me with someone else." I said, looking around at everyone. Another man walked in.

"I heard all of the commotion so I made a video with all of Karas memories." He said, setting down a laptop in front of me and clicking the space bar.

It started with my pod landing on earth and then all of my teenage years with the girl who's name was apparently Alex. Then my job at CatCo and eventually my 'supergirl' moments. Then all of my times with the girl with raven hair, Lena, and 'our' baby girl.

No... No this isn't right.. I.. It can't be..

"No.. This can't be happening." I said.

"We are going to figure out what happened to you." The younger man said. Apparently, his name was Brainy. That's a bit of a funny name in my opinion.

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