Phantom Zone

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  Kara's POV
One month later

I woke up dazed, I was back in Lena and I's house. It must have just been a bad nightmare. I was in bed and Lena was in the bedroom.

  Hm. She must be eating.

  I crawled out of bed and started walking to the kitchen. I saw Lena standing still, towards the wall.

  "Erm.. Lena? Are you alright?" I asked, a bit worried.


  "Whats wrong babe?!" I said, starting to approach her.

  She turned around quickly. Her face was all bloody and she was holding a dead baby. Her eyes looked like they had no soul and there were open wounds all over her body.

  "You failed to protect us, Kara Zor-El. You are a disgrace to the house of El. You are the reason we are dead." The being said repeatedly.

  "N-No! No!" I cried out. "No! No! No! I'm so sorry!" I said, falling to my knees. I couldn't contain my tears.

  "You killed everyone you loved most. Alex, Eliza, Me, J'onn, Maggie, Cat, and even your own child. All because you couldn't protect them"

  The voice rang in my head. "No! No! Please! I am so sorry.." I practically screamed.

  Suddenly I jolted awake. I gasped loudly and I was in a dark cave. I looked around a bit before seeing a figure in the corner of the room.

  "H-Hello?" I said, hesitantly. The figured turned towards me. I could not make out any of their features as the cave was way too dark.

  "Oh Rao! I am so glad you are awake." The figure said. She said Rao. What does she know of him?

  "Who are you?" I asked loudly.

  "The name is Nova.." She paused. "Nova Zor-El" I gasped loudly.

  "Zor-El? No thats not possible!" I said.

  "What do you mean?" She said.

  "No that can't be true!" I said. I turned towards the girl. "My name is Kara Zor-El" I said. Nora gasped.

  "This is weird." She said.

  "Agreed. Wait.. Where am I?" I asked.

  "You're in the Phantom Zone." She said.

  "No! No this can't be true. I need to get home! I need to get to Earth."

  "Earth?! Thats many light years away from here. Plus, there is no way out. Trust me, I have tried."

  "No. You don't understand! My girlfriend is going to have a baby! I need to be there." I said, tearing up. Nora stood there silently. I could tell she felt awful and had no idea how to comfort me.

  "Listen.. I think we should figure out what we are to each other and then discuss whatever plans you may have to get out of here. I am desperate for ideas.." Nora said, sitting next to me.

  "Ok.. Ok you are right." I replied.

  "Who are your parents?" She asked.

  "Alura And Zor-El" I said. The young girl gasped once again.

  "Do they live on Earth?" The young girl asked.

  "No. They.. died with krypton." I said.

  "Oh..." Is all Nova could say.

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