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Kara's pov
"You almost ready, love?" Lena asked me.

"Yes, I don't know how you wear this stuff!" I walked out of the bathroom in Lena's clothes and a pair of high heel shoes. I stared at Lena, who was wearing my suit. "You look so cute in that babe"

"This is quite revealing. I feel like my ass is popping out!" Lena said.

"Don't worry babe. There are shorts underneath. Nobody but me will see that beautiful butt" I said laughing, as Lena's jaw dropped.

~ At the party

Me and Lena walked into the large party filled with people, many of which were famous.

"Well if it isn't my favorite couple!" Cat said, approaching us. "How have you two been?" Even though me and Cat saw each other every weekday we never talk about anything other then work most of the time.

"We've been great!" Lena answered. I stared at her as she talked, admiring the way the words flowed from her mouth. Lena continued talking to Cat and I just kept my gaze locked on her. Eventually, Lena noticed.

  "Like the view, Supergirl?" Lena said, laughing. I became very flustered.

  "I- Uhm. Uh. Yes?" I responded. Cat started to chuckle before coming closer to us and whispering something to Lena before she walked off.

  "What did she say?!" I asked.

  "Hmmm.. Thats for me to know and you to think about for the rest of the night." Lena replied. She grabbed my hand and started walking further into the crowd. I'm not very fond of being in the middle of big crowds, but I'll do anything for Lena.

I felt weird in her clothes and kept stumbling in these heels. They were a lot taller then I was used to. But I had to admit, seeing Lena in my suit was a major turn on.

  The night went on and the crowd slimmed down as the clock strikes midnight. Me and Lena went onto the balcony and just stared into the beautiful city. Lena rested her head on my shoulder.



  "I really, really love-" Lena started but gunshots were heard inside the building. "SHIT!" Lena screamed.

  "I'll be right back, babe" I said, running into the building. I saw three masked people with guns, open firing into the crowd.

I quickly ran over and disarmed all three but once I noticed the fourth, it was too late. The bullet went through and through, kryptonite. I collapsed and they shot another, this one knocked me unconscious.

~ Lena's POV

I ran inside after hearing Kara scream. I saw her unconscious body on the ground.

"NO! Nonononono!" I screamed, running over to her. People watched from afar as I shook her in hopes to wake her up. "K- Supergirl please!" I sobbed.

"Ah! Lena.. I figured you wouldn't be far behind." Someone said, I whipped my head behind. Mother..

  "What do you want?!" I said, standing up.

  "I would say its nothing personal, but it is. Sorry dear." My 'mother' said as she knocked me unconscious.

~ Alex's POV

"Alex! The party that your sister and Lena are attending has been attacked. There are a few reports saying both were knocked unconscious and dragged off. We need to get over there now!" J'onn said.

I geared up and quickly followed J'onn out. We were the first ones to the scene with backup following close behind. The other agents interrogated the witnesses and helped get the victims to the hospital while me, J'onn, and Winn checked out the crime scene.

  I looked at the bloodstains on the ground. I could easily tell it was Lena's and Kara's. Fuck.

  I saw something green near all of the blood. I picked it up and examined it.

  "J'onn. Winn. I found kryptonite."

~ Kara's POV

I woke up feeling like I was hungover.  My head is pounding, my body is weak. I can't even stand. My wrists are bound with chains laced with kryptonite. I starting coughing violently, a bit of blood came up.

  I finally lifted my head up and saw Lena strapped in the same way across the room. "Lena!" I said as loud as I could, but it didn't come out as much. "Lena.."

  Lena started waking up. 


   "Kara? Where are we?" Lena said, attempting to rub her head but the chains stopped her.

  "I don't know, babe. But there is kryptonite laced in my chains. Im weakened.."

  "It'll be ok.. We'll figure something out.. Are your comms online?"

  "Good idea. I'll check." I couldn't reach my ear easily but I managed. It beeped on. "Yes!"

"J'onn? Alex? Are you there?"


"Yes. It's me. I don't know where we are. But me and Lena are together. We are both bound with chains. Can you track my location?"

"Winn is working on it as we speak. Do you know who is behind the attack?" J'onn asked.

  "I don't know who it was.." I replied.

"I do." Lena piped in. "It was my mother."

  "Did you hear that?" I asked.

  "Loud and clear" J'onn replied.

  "Any luck?" Kara asked.

  "None yet. Hang in there. Ill tell you if we get something."

~ 2 hours later

"Supergirl?" I heard J'onn say.

"Yes? Im here!"

"We have your location. We're coming."

"Lena they're coming." I said. Suddenly, the door swung open.

"Get up. We are moving you" 1 out of many guards said as they entered the room and took off our chains. I still had bands around my arms, laced with kryptonite. One of the guards grabbed Lena and slapped her.

"Get your hands off her!" I yelled. One of the guards must have not been very fond of my tone. They punched me in the face, which lead me to fall to the floor. I was still wearing Lena's heels and Lena still remained in my suit. But the shoes threw my balance off.

We were shuffled into a van and sat in the back of it with 4 guards. 2 others remained in the front. I looked at Lena and she looked back at me. She knew what to do. She started undoing the chains quietly behind her back. She nodded and I attempted to undo mine. I was unsuccessful in my attempt. I shook my head no.

  I kept working at mine before eventually getting them off. I nodded my head and quickly stood up and knocked out the four guards almost instantaneously.

  "Nice!" Lena said.

The one driving quickly stopped the van and tried to shoot me with kryptonite. I knocked them out and grabbed Lena before flying off.

  I felt weak and sick to my stomach. My head was still pounding but I had to get Lena to safety. I didn't have much strength. I quickly turned on my comms and let them know what was going on.

  We made it to the DEO. I set Lena down on one of the hospital beds and kissed her. The world started spinning around me and it went black.

Word Count: 1171

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