Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Weeaboos:Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc.Cas's P.O.V.

Finally. I got my carry on bag from the self on top of the seats, and made my way off the plane. Oh my god...I can't believe that actually happened. Could he-? No.. he doesn't like me, besides...why would nothing special...there's nothing special about me too.... That was all just an accident. It doesn't mean anything....all just.....a clumsy accident. Maybe he-    no... I continued to walk towards the bus that was supposed to take us to the hotel. I walked outside of the airport and saw Ms.Cat waving, signling that that was were we were supposed to be. It was kinda dark. I looked behind her and saw taxi cars. Once everyone was there, Ms.Cat began to speak, "Okay, great! Now that everyone is here i need to tell you all something. The bus never got here, so we have to take taxis. Since there are only 9 of you, i need 3 groups of 3's." I stayed where i was, just waiting for who ever was left, so i could go with them. I waited...and waited...until i looked and saw Derek...and Mike walking towards me. I kinda panicked a bit. "Please don't hurt me," i blurted out while covering up my face and head. Oops... "Why would we hurt you, plus you're a girl." i heard Mike say, taking my hands and gently putting them away from my face, so i could see them. I blushed at his sudden actions, then kinda turned my head to the side nervously. "You wanna be in our group for the taxi ride?" Derek asked me. "S-sure." I replied. W-why am i stuttering?! CALM DOWN CAS! I mentally scolded myself. We walked over to one of the three taxi's and put my luggage in the back. I got in the car and sat all the way down. I looked out the window, and saw all the Japanese signs advertising upcoming movies, electronics, and sorts of stuff. I then hear pushing sounds and whispering, then finally they got inside. Mike sat in the middle and then Derek got in. I looked over and saw a bit of an evil grin on his face. What's up with him? The car began and off we went. As we drove i saw a sign that was advertising the Attack On Titan, real life action. My inner anime girl was released at the moment. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" i yelled. Suddenly the taxi took a sharp turn and i was a bit on my feet. The sharp turn made me almost flew out the window. I quickly grabbed a hold of the door.  Take it easy there taxi driver! I was breathing hard after that terrifying moment. "Hey you okay?" Mike asked me. "Yeah, im okay." i said with a bit of a terrified/to excited smile. "I just need to tame my inner anime girl," I said laughing. "You weeaboo." i heard derek say. We all laughed and went back to looking out the windows.

~Time skip brought to you by crazy taxi driver~

We finally got to the hotel and i got my luggage and walked off to my room. I go into my room and saw that Sasha was in there too. "Hey are you the only other person staying in this room?" i asked her. "Yep! That means we are roomies!" she exclaimed. "Yeah." It was a bit cold today. I didn't really like that cold. I got my blanket from my suitcase, and wrapped myself around it. Sasha was unpacking, and turned on the t.v. There was an anime show on, but i wasn't familiar with it. I think she was drooling.... wtf. "Hey i'm going down to the cafe. Want something?" i asked her. "What are you getting?" she asked me. "Pocky." i replied. "Get me a box please. THANKS!" she exclaimed. "Kk." I made sure i had my key to the room and walked out, still wrapped in the blue blanket. I began to make my way the the cafe when suddenly i bump into someone. "Uf. Oh im sorry, i wasn't watching where i was going." i said quickly, hoping that whoever i bumped into wouldn't be mad at me. "It's fine Cas, I should be the one watching where i'm going." It was Mike. "So where are you heading to?" he asked me. "I'm on my way to the cafe? W-wanna come along?" I aksed. "Sure!" he replied excitingly. He sounded a bit like a little kid. As we walked to the cafe mike began to talk. "I see you're all bundled up." "Yep.. i don't really like the cold." i said. At that moment.. i really wanted him wrap his arms around my shoulders...and make the cold go away....but that only happens in my dreams.. or in movies. When we finally got to the cafe, i grabbed two boxes of pocky, and went to pay for them. Then Mike also grabbed two boxes. As i was about to pay, he walked over and placed his boxes down two. "Add these." he said. I was about to say something until he looked to me and said, "I'll pay for it." He then pulled out $5, and he got his change, and we left. "Thanks Mike, but you didn't have to do that." I said. "I wanted to." he replied. We then began to head back to our rooms. Ms.Cat ordered our rooms to be close to eachother, so her room was the last room, down the hall, then Mike and derek, then ours, then the rest. I started laughing, thinking about something. "What are you laughing about?" Mike questioned. "Well i was wondering, do you play the Pocky game, with Derek?" i began to burst out with laughter. I couldn't believe i'd think that. "WHAT? EW! NO!" he yelled. "hahaha i was just kidding." i replied. I then grabbed one of the pocky boxes and opened it up, then pulled one of the sticks out and popped it in my mouth.

Mike's P.O.V.

I saw Cas put one of the chocolate covered sticks in her mouth. Without thinking i jumped in front of her and bite on the other half that was sticking out of her mouth. DID I JUST DO THAT??!! Inside i was panicking like crazy. I looked at Cas, who was wide eyed and say her face was as red as a tomato. She finished chewing and swallowed. "What was that?!" she asked me with a confused and embarrassed tone. "Uhm....I-....uhhh.." I didn't know how to reply to her. No i have made things EVEN MORE awkward! First the plane, then this! What's wrong with me! I yelled in my mind. We then heard a door open and saw Ms.Cat step out. "Hey you two, get some rest you love birds! We just went on a 14 hour long plane trip. Surely you two must be tired." She exclaimed in a British accent. With that comment, i blushed 50 shades of red. ( XD hahaha ) I saw Cas walk off to her room. "See yeah." I said nervously. I probably scared her off. Now i am officially a creep to her.  To my surprise, she turned around and gave me a smile, and said, "See you tomorrow." I walked into my room and heard that Derek was in the bathroom. I placed his box of Pocky on the side of his bed, and then walked out to the balcony, and looked out onto the big city of Japan. "I wonder what surprises you have hidden for me Japan." I whispered. I heard Derek step out of the bathroom, so i went back inside. He went to his bed and said goodnight. I walked into the bathroom, and took a quick shower, then jumped into the comfy hotel bed. "What a day...." i whispered, before falling into a deep sleep.

~End of chapter 4

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