Chapter 11

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Chapter 11Mike's POV

The building was very large, and there were many people waiting outside. I'm assuming that they are waiting to go inside. The taxi went at the back of the theater, and then we saw the other students already there. We walked in through the back door and we ended up getting really good seats.

~After the show...sorry I got lazy CX~

When the show finished, we went back into the taxi's and then went back to the hotel. Before we went back, Mrs.Cat told us that we were going to a "ball" she called it. She wanted us, boys, to dress formally, and the same for the girls. After telling us that it was in 4 hours, we then head back to our rooms. Me and Derek walked to our rooms, and then he asked me, "So how are things going with you and Cas?" he asked me while punching my arm. "It's really good...I really like her, and I feel like we've gotten closer than ever...Things...are great." I said smiling. We got to our room, then Derek suddenly threw himself onto his bed. "You know you should be getting ready." I told his while taking off my jean jacket. "Ughhh. We have 4 hours. When we only have 2 hours left, then i'll start getting ready." He said into his pillow. I was about to tell him something, when we suddenly hear a knock at the door. I looked at the door, then started walking towards it. Before I opened it I looked back at Derek and he just shrugged. When Opened the door, I saw Mrs.Cat standing there. "Hi Mrs.Cat." I exclaimed. I heard Derek get up from his bed then walk towards the door. "Hello boys, I came here to see if you need help getting ready for tonight." She told us with a smile. "Thanks Mrs.Cat, but I think we are good." I replied politely. "Remember to iron your shirts, and pants, okay boys." She replied, waving goodbye and I closed the door. "Mike?" I heard Derek whisper. "Yeah?" I replied. "Can you please iron my shirt and pants for me?" He whispered. "No." I walked over to the closet and took out the iron and one of those things that you iron your clothes on. (I don't know what they are called CX) I grabbed my white dress shirt from my suitcase and begin to iron it. When I was done with that I grabbed Derek's navy blue dress shirt and iron that. Once I was done with the shirts, I told Derek that I was going to take a shower, and I also told him that he had to iron our dress pants. ~Mini time skip~

I put on my white shirt and black pants, with my white tie. Derek slipped on his navy blue shirt, black pants, and a black vest, with a red tie. I grabbed my wallet, making sure I had enough money for the night. Derek was still in the mirror checking if his hair was good. I still can't believe that it took us almost 3 hours and 45 minutes to get ready. Derek also grabbed his wallet, and stuffed a 20 dollar bill and 10 dollar bill in it. We locked the room door and we made our way to the lobby. When we got there the lobby was actually really crowded, well more crowded than usual. I finally saw Mrs.Cat, who was with her husband and I saw Sasha, and my Cas. (^.^) Cas was wearing a blue dress with a denim jacket, and with converse. hehe Sasha was wearing a red dress and black flats. Mrs.Cat then told us to get into the taxis and then we went off.

~10 minute time skip~

We walked into, what seemed like an estate, and when we got to the door, Mrs.Cat told us, "Okay my little kittens, go have fun and enjoy being young! Just remember we have to leave at 12:00. If you want to go earlier, then you can. There will be taxis available for those who want to leave early. Okay that is all! GO HAVE A GREAT TIME!" She exclaimed. "OH! And remember to be formal, because we are at a fancy ball!" she said quickly. I walked up to the door with Cas, and then we hooked arms, and made our way inside. The inside was quite big, with a very large dance floor. We then sat at a table with Sasha and Derek. We all talked a bit until a slow song came on. I looked over at Cas who was a bit nervous. "You look nervous Cas. Whats wrong?" I asked her while holding her hand. "Well.. its just that if you ask me to dance, I'm afraid i might mess up and then make a fool out of myself." She said looking down. I then helped her up and then we walked out onto the dance floor. She looked up at me with worried eyes. I leaned in and kissed her forehead, and then told her "Don't worry, just follow my lead." I put my hand her waist, and she put her hand on my shoulder, and then I held her other hand in mine and extended it out. I started to dance little by little, Cas stepped on my toes, but then she got the hang of it. "See, you can do it." I told her. I then looked at her, and she looked at me. She then started to lean in closer, and I mirrored her movements. Finally, our lips meet.


I felt my heart melt, I didn't want this to end. We parted for a moment, and then I placed my head on his chest. He held me close, and I liked that. I never felt fear, loneliness, none of those bad feelings around him. He would make me smile, and I felt safe with Mike. I like him a lot.

Mike's POV

After the song ended, I lead Cas to an empty balcony that was a bit far from the party. I held her hand and walked over to the balcony. She went to the edge of the balcony and whispered, "It's beautiful." I looked at her and replied, "You are." She then looked at me, and started to blush. I then put my arm around her and then she placed her head against my chest. We looked up at the sky full stars.

Cas's POV

It was like a scene from a movie, but it wasn't a movie. This was actually real. I actually am the girl, and Mike is the guy. If felt like it was straight from a movie, it was a moment that I'd dream of having, and it has actually happened. And it happened with a person, who I care about so much. Mike.

~End of Chapter 11

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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