Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

~Time skip: Morning~

Mike's P.O.V.

I grabbed my backpack, and other things, then walk over to the sound asleep Derek and shook him awake. "Oi ! Wake up, or we are going to be late!," i pushed him off his bed, then his head shot up. "Hey! I was waking up! You didn't have to do that Mike!" he yelled, and then walked off to the bathroom. Since i was already ready, i grabbed the t.v. remote and started to watch t.v. When i turned it on, i was on a japanese game show. It was actually kinda funny. I then got bored, and decided to wait outside. Before i left, i wanted to tell Derek that i would wait for him outside, so i went to knock on the bathroom door. Just as i was about to knock, the door opened and Derek came out, in just a towel wrapped around him. "WHAT DO THE?? DUDE PUT ON CLOTHES?" I yelled looking away. "I forgot to get some things. And plus we are both guys! RELAX!" he explained. "Yeah, yeah, but dude still! Don't come out like that! And i'm going to wait outside, k?" i said. "Yeah sure." he replied. Then i walked outside and waited for him. I saw some other people walk out from their rooms. I saw that a piece of paper was taped to the door. It read: Morning my students. Once you are ready, please come meet me in the lobby! Thanks! -Ms. Cat I waited and then saw Cas and Sasha walk out of their rooms. Cas was wearing a black anime shirt, which had characters from...hmmm what was it?...something on titans. OH YEAH! Attack on Titan. With blue jeans and some black converse. Sasha was cosplaying as Lucy, from Fairy Tail. "Morning Mike." i heard Cas say. "Morning!" i said waving back to her. Derek was finally ready and we headed to the lobby. We saw Ms.Cas waiting for us all, then she told us that today we were going to go to visit a mall, so we could look around. She also added that we not spend all our money there. "Okay kids, i need you all to get into groups of 4. Harī! We have to get going!" I walked over to sasha and cas, and we all became a group.

Derek's P.O.V.

I followed Mike, who went to ask sasha and cas if they wanted to join our group. I then realized that Sasha was cosplaying as Lucy, from Fairy Tail. " WHOA! You're cosplaying as Lucy! SICK!" i exclaimed. "Yep!" she replied. "I bet you have all kinds of cosplay costumes and that suitcase of yours." I laughed. "She does." i hear cas say. I laughed even harder. "HEY HEY NO HOLD ON A MINUTE! I'm not the only one who brought a costume for cosplaying.," she looked over to Cas smirking, "This girl brought and Attack on Titan cosplay. She said she wanted to cosplay as Hanji." We all then went to car and on our way to the mall.

Cas's P.O.V.

I was so excited about to the mall! I could find so many cool anime things, but also eat great food. We finally got to mall called, "AEON Lake Town Centre," which was huge, i mean HUGE! ER MER GERD! That means more food and more anime things! YASS!! We got out of the car and before anyone could leave Ms.Cat began to explain the sceduale. "Okay students remember to stick with your group and remember to eat lunch! That is all. GO HAVE FUN!" she exclaimed.

Derek's P.O.V.

We all started heading inside and we all hung out around a store that was near the entrance, then at the corner of my I saw Cas starting to leave, she started kinda running. Where is she going? I decided to run after her. "Cas! Where are you going?" i yelled. She turned around and stopped walking. "O-oh sorry. I was just going to walk around some other store." she said. "Want me to get the others?" i asked, with a questionative face. "I kinda wanna.. go alone." she said looking down. "Oh okay." There was an awkward silence. "You know a girl like you shouldn't be walking around this city-sized mall." I said. "What? Why?" "Because you might get kidnapped." She laughed a little then said, "You wanna come with me?" She asked. "Yesh." i replied. She laughed and then we headed off to another store that wasn't to far from the store where Sasha and Mike were in. As we walked around the store, Cas suddenly bumped into someone. He was bit taller than both of us, he also looked around our ages. He had a black leather jacket, kinda like Mikes, but without the hoodie. He had a red pollo on and black jeans. "Im sorry!" Cas said. "It's all good." the stranger said, looking down at Cas. This dude was tall! Suddenly a group of guys came up behind this stranger. I guess they were his friends, i don't know. Cas then went back to looking at the records that were in boxes. "I'm Marco." the boy said, looking at Cas, whose focus was all on looking for a certain record. "Hi, im Cas." she then turned to him and then held it out. He shook it then went back to watching Cas search for... whatever she was searching for. I was looking at the DVD's that were on sale. "FOUND IT!" I heard Cas yell which made me jump up a little, at the sudden loud noise. I turned around and saw here hold up a record player that had the words, "Discovery," written on it, and at the bottom it said, "Daft Punk." That Marco kid was still around, when he heard Cas, i saw him laugh. "Look Derek! I FOUND IT!" she exclaimed, swaying around in circles, hugging the record to her chest. "I can see that," i said laughing at her childish personality. "So you like Daft Punk too? wait scratch that, So you LOVE Daft Punk too?" I heard Marco ask Cas. "Yes! Of course. They are amazing." she exclaimed with a big smile. "You LOVE them too?" she asked Marco. "Same answer as you. They truly are amazing." he said smiling at her. She then looked at the price tag. "OH MEH GAW? Noooo! Its 40 bucks." she looked down with a really sad face. "How much money do you have?" i asked her. "Not enough." She slowly put the the record back and we started to walk out. "Oi!" i heard someone yell. "I'll give you a 50% off coupon if you want?" i heard Eren say. "What the what?! REALLY,.....but why?" she asked him. "Well you look like my sister, so yeah." he said smiling back. What? Then Cas went over to where the record was and then thanked Marco for the coupon and off we went back to the store where Mike and Sasha were at. Cas skipped the whole way, and i had to run after her because she was moving so fast. "Where were you two at?" Sasha questioned us. "This child went to the store near here, found a record, which was 40 bucks. Put it back, because it was too expensive. Then one of the workers gave her a 50% percent of coupon, because Cas apparently looked like his sister, and she bought it." i explained. They both laughed and then off we went to our next store.

~Time skip brought to you by the nice worker~

Cas's P.O.V.

It was time to go back to the cars, and we all headed back. It was a fun day and I think everybody had a lot of fun. I was actually really tired. As we got in the cars, i couldn't take it any more. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. I felt really tired for some reason. I shut my eyes and off i drifted off into a deep sleep.

Derek's P.O.V.

I looked to the side and saw Mike and Cas falling asleep. They looked like they had stayed up for hours. I saw that were heading towards the hotel, so i woke Mike up. "Hey dude wake up." i shook him a bit and he woke just a little bit. I pulled him out of the car and walked him to the room. I saw him throw himself on his bed. I then started heading back to the car. Mike was too asleep to notice, but i went down to the lobby and out to the car, where Cas was sound asleep. I woke her up a little, "hey you want me to carry you Cas?" i asked her. "Pwease." she replied sleepily. "Here get on my back." i turned around so that she could get on my back. She climbed on and her head was on my shoulder. "Thanks....Grey." she whispered. Grey? What? Who's Grey?

~End of chapter 5

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